13 - I

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"Is everyone ready?" Namjoon said as he was counting the members one-by-one. Jin thought it was cute.

"Alright we have everyone....let's go guys!" Namjoon said as they walked out the door and into their van.

BTS are heading to Dr. Lee's, Namjoon hopes everyone can vent to her and the group can calm down with all the problems.

Jin eyed a gloomy Jungkook. Seokjin hopes Dr. Lee can figure out what's wrong with Jungkook before things get worse and fans start to notice.

But why should we be afraid about fans noticing his shift in mood?

Well that's easy to explain...fans are toxic.

One little shift in their mood and fans get angry that they aren't smiling, like they're being 'extra'.

Jin frowned, he's supposed to love the fans, not hate them. Sometimes Jin can't help but be very mad because of how fans mistreat them.

This isn't for every fan though, Jin is aware not every single ARMY is like that, it's only the ones who call themselves 'ARMY' for popularity or whatever.

But aside from all that, Jin really hopes Jungkook would feel better.


"Ah! My favourites! Bangtan Sonyeondan! Welcome!" Dr. Lee smiled and held her hands together.

"Hello Dr..." Namjoon said as he bowed.

"So...how're all you guys? We can talk about it in-" Namjoon cut Dr. Lee off and whispered something into her ear which made her gasp.

"Um...ok...well I'll take each of you one by one and if we need to discuss anything as a group, we will!" She smiled brightly.

Jimin sighed, he hated this.

"Ok I'll do oldest to youngest...Jin that means you! Let's go" She clapped her hands together.

Jin gave a quick glance at Namjoon and smiled.


So far only Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon have spoken to Dr. Lee.

"This is taking so long I want to go home..." Jimin sighed.

Dr. Lee brought back RM and now it was Jimin's turn to talk.

"Oh no! I don't want to..." Jimin pouted. He hated counselling. He wants to seem like the tough and bad guy...

He wants to be powerful and dominant...

But Jimin knows that as much as he acts 'sexy' on stage and tries to act powerful among all the members, he knows he just can't.

Jimin knows he's weak and can't really do much without the help of the members...

Jimin sighed, he really is just a baby.

"I. Don't. Want. To." Jimin tried saying sternly, tears threatening to fall.

"Come on Chim Chim...it'll be fine, you'll be able to tell her everything..." Yoongi says.

Jimin gulps. He doesn't want to get counselling.

"Come on Park Jimin! You'll feel so much better if you tell me everything that's been stressing you out lately!" Dr. Lee said as she gave a small smile.

"M-maybe I'm just comfortable being sad!" Jimin pouts and feels like crying.

He looks at the other members staring at him so he finally gives up. He walks to the counselling room so he can cry so no one will see.

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