15 - Wrong

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The concert was a success! BTS has finally finished their first concert! They have a few more in Seoul and then they'll go to Tokyo for a few more concerts.

"Everyone I'm so proud of you! We all worked hard!" Said Namjoon as he praised BTS.

Yoongi looked at a melancholic Hoseok. He seemed so done and sad.

Suga knew that when J-Hope was tired, he'd go in the bathroom and cry to himself.

Yoongi knew that Hoseok could be really depressed sometimes, even though he doesn't want to admit it.

"Hey Hoseok, what's wrong?" Yoongi said as he patted Hoseok's back.

"Oh...nothing...I'm just tired after this concert..." Hoseok mumbled.

"Are you sure?" Yoongi said with worry in his eyes "yeah I'm sure!" Hoseok smiled.

Jimin looked over at a sad Yoongi and Hoseok. He wanted to do something to help them feel better, but he knows he can't.

Jimin is too weak...

Jimin sighed. Yesterday Jimin was on twitter reading comments about him.

Jimin will take over BTS with his dominance!

Jimin is such a dirty minded freak! He's such a fuckboy and I don't even mind!

Jimin is so attractive...look at him oh my god! He's going to kill me!

Those comments hurt a lot...Jimin didn't know why.

He's none of those things...maybe Jimin should try harder to be all those things for the fans?

Maybe cute little Yoongi will eventually fall in love with a bad boy Jimin!


Suga is a bad boy himself! Maybe once Jimin becomes a bad boy, Yoongi will like him better!

The world would fall in love with this new bad boy Jimin!

Jimin nodded to himself! He wants to be everything the fans think he is!


Jimin smiled! He knew exactly how to accomplish all of this!

It's a lot of work, but it'll be worth it in the end!

Jimin couldn't wait!

Jimin was about to become a nobody to a somebody that everyone could look up to!

This will finally make Jimin Ḧ̴̡̢̨̨͖͓̭̖̠͉̮̭̩͚͕̗͙̦̥̣̟̻̮̥̠̭̖́̽͊̂̓͐͑͌̌̾͒̐́̓̀̓̋͋̀̏͂͐̓̔̔͒͒̀͘͘̚̕̚̕͝͝ͅa̴̡̡̡̡̨̡̛̛̛̛̛͎̪͇͍̭͎̙͉͕͎̩̹̲̝̗̟͚̩͙̲̫̰̘̪̼̖̰̤͕͉̝̬̗̜̩̖̗̹̣͔̗͚̪̱̬̮̤̰̮͙͉͕̬̞͕̮̘̩̞̱̳͉̟̖̪̼̲͉͇̯̹̘̔̆̌̌̈́̈́̑͌̊̓͗̑͛́̓͒̏̈́̀̑̓̑̑͌̈́̈́̿̓͑̈́͊̏̿̃̈́̀̄̇̌̇̓̊̈́̀̉̊̂̔̀̒͂̽͆̍͛́̏̇̍̊͋̅͑̃͐̈́͊̊̉̓́̉̅͒̿͐̓̋̊͗̂̒̔̆̐̐́́̉̅̀̈̊͋̃͋̏͑̃̎̇̀̐͗̆̈́͗͛̃̈́̈́̈́́̋͊̐̉̔̊̓̍̔̽̒̈́̃́̄̉̎́̐͊́̉̇̽̂͑̇̿̍͌̃̏͐͑̋̋̃̀̿̄̑̽̀́̏̓̇̎̐̿̔̿̏̽͒̂̉̍̀͐̄̈̇͗̐̈́̅̌̓̃̆̈́̐̄̓̀̉͐͌͒̄͂̉̆̐͗͘͘̕̚̚̚͘̚͘̚̕͘͘̕͘͘̕̕̚͜͜͝͠͠͠͠͠͝͝͠͠͠͝͝͝͠͝͠͝͝͠͠͠͝͠ͅp̶̧̨̡̧̨̨̡̢̡̨̨̢̧̨̢̨̧̧̡̢̨̡̨̧̢̢̢̢̢̢̨̨̢̢̧̡̡̡̛̛̛̻̙̲͍̜̼̪̮͕̰̖͔͙̦̱͉͙̼̮̠̻̞̦͕̳̦̰͈̩̟̺̟̠̞̞͔̺̤͔͇̪̪͉̞̜͔͔̭̯͚̞̯̤̞̩̦͓͔̻̰͍͎̫̝̰͓͈̝̰̞̣̳̭̱̰͎̙͔̠̝̰̝̪̞̼͖͇͔̞͔̠̭̙̳̖̫͎̠̖̞͉̪̱͇͈̰͔͕̱͈͓̗̪̬̮̳̤͈̬̺̰̳̘̹̫̙̝̦͙̜̘̪͈̝̯̭̘̰͕̦̝͓̱̯̻̠͈͇̠̜̝̳̥̤̻̖̭͕̞̼͉̭̹̯̤̥͍̯̻̮̮̙̙̰̖̙̹͚̜̦̲̥͎̺̹̮̱̺̩̤͇͔̦͓̟͓̪̭̜̘̬̼̯̫̱͕̯͔̜̩̹̫̟̺͇͚͇̩̦̭̳̜̫̟̲̼͉̣̼͚͍͍̥̓̏͐͗͂̽͂̐̋̊͒̎̎̂̾̍̈͑̾̏̅̄̒̀́͂͑͊̐̆̃̐͒̀̂̀̏͋̿̎́́́͊̑͑̉̈́̄̀̐̀̈́̈̊̏͛̃̈̄̃̇̐̈̏̃͑̇̏̆͒̌̄̂͑̓̊͌̃̃̓̎̏͛͋̍͂͊̀̓̉̆̄̎́̈́̓̉̋̌͌̈́̀̓̑͂̽̍́̉̋̽̃̐̾͐͆̊͒̈̆̄̐̈̐̌̓͒̄͋̆̋̓̇͊̀͆̿̓̅͒̉̈͂̐̍̋́̈̅̾̅̾̆͗͑͂̽̿́̆̇̀̓̓̑̔͐̏̃̊̈́̍̂̈́̑̓̀̀̚͘̕̚̕͘̕͘͘̚͘̕̚̕̕̚̕̕̕͘̕̕͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͠͝͝͝͝͝͠͠͠͠͠͝͝͠ͅͅͅͅͅͅͅp̷̨̢̨̧̢̨̡̡̨̧̧̧̨̡̨̢̢̡̡̧̧̨̛̛̛̛̛͚̝̪̲̟͍̝̰̯͎̣̳͖̠̗̗͖͓̖̙͈̣͍̥̟͉̻̻̠̼͈̩̖̩̜̩̣̯͇̺͍̠̤͎̥̠̟͔̯̦̟͓̤̟̲̲͚͙̳̹̮̦̪̯̙̝͍̳͚̼͕͖͚̤̫̬̰̝̹̞̲̝̮̗̯̙͎͚̻̤͕̭̼̹͍͖̠͔̼͉͙̯͚̮̻̜̳̩͚̥͓̰̗̠̪͚̥̜̜̭̖̭̼̻̟̩̻̮̝̯͎͓͔̩̠̗͉͈͚̯̼̜̻̮͇̙͍̲̜͖̫͇̻͈͕̦͍̳͎̜̗̫͉͕̼̥̗͓̪̹̼̯͔̺̳̙̘̱̼̟͇̩͈̣̪͙͔̲͈͎̪̬͈̣͓͖̝̱͚̩͕̦͓͕̦̲̫̱͇̹̥͓̱̱̠͈͍̪̳̲͉̩̬̜̤̱͎͓̮̱̫̞̦̭͙̽̈͊͑̓͐̈͐͂͂̂̄̈̍͐͋͋̔́̃̏̊̀̇̋̆͑͒͊̈̃͌̑͑̄̏̇͛̓̔̉̀̽̽͂̃͑̌͌͑̿͌̅̒́́͊̓͆̌͋̐̽̓̔̍̂͑͌͊͒̉̍̓̐̇̽̀̏͛͌̈̀̓̿̆̈́̓͐̎̒́̊̑̌̇̆̉̿̆́̀̎͆̀̈̏̑̔̇͋̓̄͐͌̈̄̅́̎̓̀̎̀͒̏͌͐͋̌̒͋̌͊͛̒̌̓̾̈́̀̿͐̀́̃̎̽̓̅̉̓̋̊̇̌̀̍̀̆̾̏̽̒͗̈́̒͛̓̆̄̍̓̂̀͂͂͒̊̃͐̎̆̀͒͂̈́̋̉̿͐̀͑͑̅̔́̀͑́͒̒͛̓̀͗͑͛̉̊̚̚̚͘̚̚̚͘̚̕̚̚͘͘͘̚̚̚̚̚͘͘̕͜͜͜͜͜͠͝͝͠͝͠͝͠͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅÿ̴̡̡̢̡̢̧̧̢̢̡̡̡̢̨̨̢̢̧̨̨̡̢̢̧̢̛̛̛̛͎͔̝̦̠̙̭̗͍̠͈̝̳̗̯̮̺̩̩͕͎̜͕͕̪͎͚͉̥̱̻͍̼̺̙̗̲͉͚̝͈͚̣̩̱̖͚̖͉̟͓͍̳͙̻͖̗̭̯̩̘͈̱̥̭̲͕̻̣̭̤̠̰͖̩̲̲̼̖̭̦͕̳̲̜̩̯̘̜͖̪͔͎̲͕̮̖͍̝̬̦̱̝̲̠͔̱̘̝͓̞̱̳̮͚̱͓̻͇͉͈̠̞̼̳̼̰̭͈̪͇̬̫͚̩̪̝̱̻͇̝͎̯͈̥̦̭̼̤͎̼̗͔͔͍͈̼̺̤̫̺̺̯̮̺̫̭̬̪͇͕̖͈̻̞̟͎͉̲͙̘̣̙͕͇̮̣̭̲̼͈̲̙̣̻̳͕̻̜͙͚̗̦̠̲͍̝͇̙̗̺͍̝̱̦̤̟̮̘̟̯̙͙̤̖͙̯̺͓͓̪̯͚͕̫̦̙̩̹̪̮̞̙̰͈͎̮̫̯̼͎͚̭́͐́͋̌̄̽̽͗̿̆͗̄̎̑̑͒́̋̎̃̒̍̅̓̐̀̎̓̒̽̏̊̆̀̀͐̏̔̆̏̃̈́͂̍̀͐̽̿̂̾͐̍̾̽̎̒̉̀̇̾̈̏͑̊̎̉͂̋͗͗͑̌̈́̂̎́͂͋̉̓̓̃̉̌͗́̐̈́͛̒̎̇̾͂̏͒̓̄͂͗͗̎̎͋̋̐̈́̃̆͘̕͘̚͘̕̕͘͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͝͠͝͠͝͠ͅͅͅͅͅ

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