5 - Nervous

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Today BTS are a hour early to their video shooting for a new MV.

"Ah! I'm so happy! I got everyone ready and now we're early for once!" Jin said as he kissed Namjoon on the cheek and bounced away.

"Gross" Jungkook said as he watched Jin kiss Namjoon. "It's called love Jungkook gosh..." Hoseok said.

Jungkook frowned at that. He still couldn't understand why he was feeling that way around Taehyung. He's known Tae for such a long time now.

And the only thing that makes it worse is that this is not the first time Jungkook feels this way around Tae...


"Alright Yoongi it's your turn to film..." one of the producers said.

Jimin watched as Yoongi started to film...he looked so ethereal to Jimin. He looks so beautiful...

Jimin snapped out of his trance as Hoseok came and sat beside him. "You alright Jimin?" He said with a worried expression. Jimin just gave a small smile and nodded "I'm alright Hobi Hyung..."

But Jimin was far from alright...

Jimin watched as Yoongi spoke to the producers...

Wow...Yoongi Hyung is really pretty...

Jimin sighed. He knew he could never even tell his Hyung how he felt about him.

Yoongi would just reject him...Yoongi would then hate him forever...

Jimin shuddered at the thought. He did not want to risk ruining their friendship.

Jimin sighed...he knows he's going to have to live with this feeling forever. Jimin fears one day it might be too late to tell his Hyung. Yoongi might get married and have kids...and leave Jimin forever. Then after he leaves, Jimin will be depressed and heartbroken.

Once Jimin snapped out of his trance, all the members were surrounding him. Everyone looked so worried, Jimin was confused until he touched his face and...

I'm crying?!

"Jimin-ah?! Are you ok?! Tell us what's wrong!" Jin said as he grabbed tissues.

How pathetic...crying over Yoongi...how stupid...

Jimin started laughing at how pathetic that was. Crying over Yoongi Hyung.

"I-I'm Fine...just thinking about...uh...a very sad romance movie I watched the other day..." Jimin said as he smiled brightly to reassure the rest of the members that he's really 'ok'.

The members gave each other a look, then shrugged it off...he seemed alright.

All the members went back to doing their own thing, all except for Yoongi. He wanted to make sure his dongsaeng is really 'ok'.

"Are you sure you're alright? You seemed to be pretty deep in thought..." Yoongi said as he scratched the back of his head.  "I'm ok Hyung!" Jimin smiled.

My Hyung is super pretty up close! I want to pinch his cheeks! And give him kisses!

"Um...are you sure you're alright? Why are you staring at me like that? Do I have something on my face?!" Yoongi exclaimed. Jimin felt like slapping himself...he felt his face turn red in embarrassment. "Y-yes Hyung! You have an eyelash on you cheek!" Jimin said nervously as he 'took off' the imaginary eyelash in his hyungs cheek. "Thanks" Yoongi said as he flashed his famous gummy smile. Jimin smiled back at his Hyung who went to go speak to J-Hope...

God...I do really love him...but I can never have him...


"You did so good Jungkook!" Taehyung said as he punched Jungkooks arm. They were finished the MV shooting and now they're headed home. "Ow Hyung! What was that for?!" Jungkook laughed. Taehyung flashed his box smile at Jungkook and hopped into the car.

Jungkook was hoping Taehyung wouldn't sit beside him because he was feeling really nervous around his Hyung and didn't want to be too awkward with him. But of course Taehyung just had to sit beside him.

And that's when Jungkook couldn't keep himself together. Jungkook started to shiver out of fear. Why? Because he couldn't understand his feelings towards Tae...this has never happened before. It feels like the world is going to end for Jungkook.

"Oh Jungkook...are you cold?" Taehyung said with worry. "Here..." Taehyung lended his jacket to Jungkook and asked for the driver to put the heating on. "There! I hope you feel warmer" Taehyung said as he hugged Jungkook. That just scared Jungkook even more as he began shaking like crazy.

"Woah...he must be sick! Jungkook you alright?" Jin said as he looked as Jungkook with worry.

Yeah...love sick...

Hope that chapter wasn't to boring :P
Thanks for reading it means a lot!

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