18 - Have

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"I refuse to leave from this spot" Jimin pouted.

"Jimin c'mon we have to give him his privacy..." Jungkook said to the pouting Jimin who didn't want to leave Yoongi's side.

Namjoon sighed and signalled for Jungkook to leave Jimin alone.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and left the room with the rest of the members.

"Yoongi Hyunggg~" Jimin whispered. "When are you going to wake up..." Jimin pouted.

"Well...Hoseok Hyung says he's sorry and that he didn't mean to get in a physical fight with you, he was just....confused and angry..." Jimin sighed. "Please forgive him Hyung..."

Jimin stared at the beautiful Yoongi lying in front of him. Even though his eye was puffy and purple-ish, and his cheeks were swollen by the fighting, Yoongi still looked nice.

Jimin was getting upset and bored.

He still won't leave Yoongi alone, no matter how bored or tired he gets...

Jimin wipes away his tears falling from his eyes, he misses Yoongi. He wants to spend more time with him before it's too late.

Jimin started humming his song 'Serendipity', that always made him feel better because it reminded him of Yoongi.

Jimin pouted and cried more, glad Yoongi wasn't awake to see him cry.

"Y-Yoongi Hyung...w-wake up soon...p-please" Jimin said continuing to hum Serendipity.


It's that sound...that very familiar sound I hear when I'm sad.

It's his voice, the most angelic voice among the rest. It's so beautiful every time I hear it... it just makes me cry...

Every time I look at him he's scared...he's scared of something...

He's scared of loosing someone...

Why did Hoseok hurt me?

Was it because I'm in love with the angel Jimin? Is Hoseok jealous of me? Does Hoseok know I like Jimin?

I'll forgive you Hoseok...just this once...because this isn't the first time you've done this to me...


Yoongi woke up with a pain in his stomach. His vision was blurry and he had a really bad headache.

He noticed fluffy hair...oh...it was Jimin sleeping, resting his head on the bed.

He was sleeping peacefully, his eyes swollen, probably because he's been crying.

"Jiminie?" Yoongi mumbled.

Jimin moved his head up slowly and rubbed his eyes.

"Oh! Yoongi Hyung!" Jimin yelled with excitement.

"Oh sorry I should be quiet! Yoongi Hyung! How're you feeling? Are you ok? Are you breathing fine??? Is your eye ok??" Jimin said examining Suga's face.

"Yeah...I'm ok Jimin" Yoongi laughed patting Jimin on the head.

"Ok! That's great..." Jimin sighed with relief.

Yoongi smiled at the cute Jimin who was mumbling things to himself. Jimin noticed Yoongi staring and instantly stopped talking and smiled back.

"Wait...where's everyone else? Where's..." Yoongi trailed off, not wanting to bring up the name Hoseok.

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