6 - Fight

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It's been about a week since the whole 'Jungkook being afraid of Taehyung' Incident. No one really seemed to care that much. It's just that Jungkook has been trying to avoid Taehyung as much as possible.

It's hard to avoid someone you really like...

Jungkook thought to himself. Today the members have a day off. It's a day of 'relaxation' for BTS. Well most of BTS anyways.

Namjoon and Jin got directed to go speak with Bang PD Nim. And they all know what they're going to talk about...their relationship with one another.

Namjoon and Jin have been surprisingly close with one another and fans have been speculating and making up rumours that they're 'dating'. So that means only one thing....


Separation happens when two members act like a couple or are just way to close to one another 24/7 to the point they need to be separated. So that's what's happening to Namjoon and Jin...they're going to get separated.

But it's no big deal...they only need to avoid one another when they're on camera...right?


"Too bad being a couple means we have to avoid one another..." Jin said sarcastically. "It's alright Seokjinnie-" "We need to tell the world that we're together! We need to come out!" Jin said as he shook Namjoon back and fourth.

Namjoon stares at his boyfriend with wide eyes...they couldn't possibly come out...there's so many risks.

"But babe....there's so many risks to coming out! We'll lose our job! Our rights as humans! We'll literally get kicked out of Korea!" Namjoon said frantically. "I understand NamNam...but wouldn't you rather be happy and free?" Jin said. "But Jin! I am happy! I'm happy as BTS! I'm happy that we can be together making music! I don't want to lose this!" Namjoon exclaimed. "This! This isn't happiness! This job is forcing us to be perfect! We can't even say hi to people without being yelled at by our managers!! Namjoon! This isn't happiness!" Jin said trying not to cry.

"Maybe not to you Seokjin...but this is happiness for me!" Namjoon exclaimed back at Seokjin. "Oh really Namjoon?! You want to work all the time?! You want this?! I thought you would want to be free and roam with me! We could travel the world! But you want to keep this...this stupid job!" Jin Yelled. "IT'S NOT STUPID SEOKJIN! It's not all about you Seokjin! I worked my ass off for this job and now you just want me to loose it?!" Namjoon yelled back. "I don't want you to loose this job...I want you to be happy...I don't want you to work all the time and be forced to do things just for the fans..." Jin said on the verge of tears. "I'm not being forced Seokjin...never mind...you don't understand..." Namjoon said as he turned around and quickly walked away to hide the tears that were starting to fall.

I understand plenty Namjoon...


Hoseok and Suga were trying to help Namjoon. When the 'married couple' in bangtan gets in a argument the news spreads around quickly.

Usually their arguments will be about food...but this time it was about something more serious.

"Namjoon...why did you even yell at him? You know he's sensitive..." Hoseok said. "Yeah...you guys need to talk it out or else you will never get back together" Suga said disappointed.

"I can't talk to him! After what I said to him I can never forgive myself..." Namjoon said trying to control his emotions.

Suga and Hoseok gave each other a look and shook their heads...they needed to give him some space and when he's ready to talk with Seokjin, they'll talk and the problem will be resolved.

They know Namjoon and Seokjin only too well...they won't be mad at each other forever.


While the Rap Line was dealing with Namjoon...the vocalists were here comforting Jin.

Jin was balling his eyes out. It was a horrible sight to see.

"H-He doesn't love me anymore!" Jin cried as he pushed Jimin away for the 10th time.

Jimin fell on his butt as he sighed...it was going to be hard to cheer up Jin. The two other maknaes were trying everything...nothing was working. He kept pushing them away.

"Hyung! You need to let us talk to you!" Jimin yelled at Seokjin who was on the floor crying. "Leave me here to die! And don't cry for me when you can't prepare your own food when I'm gone..." Seokjin yelled as he cried even more.

The maknaes gave each other a look...they knew nothing was going to work. Even Jimin couldn't figure out what to do.

But magically the solution to the problem were right in front of their eyes.


"I want to apologize to you Seokjinnie...I want to talk with you for a second..." Namjoon said as he shooed everyone away.

It was only Namjoon and Jin now...

"Please don't be sad..." Namjoon said as he approached the crying Jin. He quickly wiped the tears off Jin's face...making Jin turn really red.

"Listen I'm sorry...I shouldn't have fought with you like that...I understand what you mean...this job is preventing us from doing things we want to do and forcing us to do things we don't want. But...I'm not ready to come out to the world yet Seokjin-" Jin placed his index finger on Namjoon lips to shut him up. "I'm sorry....it's my fault. You were right...you worked really hard for this job. You don't deserve to loose it. We don't need to come out, it's fine! As long as we love each other then that's all that matters!" Seokjin said with a bright smile.

Namjoon smiled and couldn't help it...he kissed Jin. It wasn't a deep kiss but a kiss that had enough love in it. Jin blushed and smiled at that.

"Gross..." Jungkook said as they watched the parents 'reunite'. "It's called love Jungkook-ah!" Taehyung exclaimed. Jungkook smiled at that.

The group is back together again! Everything is back to normal at last!

"Ahem...what do guys want for dinner?" Seokjin said as he got up. "Anything you want to make" Namjoon said as he winked at Jin which made him turn red.

"GROSS!" Yoongi yelled as he cringed. "It's called love, Hyung" Jimin said as he winked at Hoseok. Hoseok winked back. That made Yoongi confused and more suspicious.

Oof long chapter...no one is reading this yet?
Well when you do decide to read I'm sorry this chapter was long...
But thank you for reading!

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