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yoongi carefully placed his feet atop the soft, shiny, dark oak wood desk which held all of his prized ownership possessions. he enjoyed owning a strip club.

even though it could be hard at times, everything was going great and there really was nothing to worry about for yoongi. well, nothing until he started needing new dancers. dancers that would do all kinds of things. just last night, a third dancer decided to quit, and yoongi was left with a little less than ten more to hold the place up.

he sighed at the thought of all of these troubles erupting in his mind along with the rest of his club. the electro music playing outside his isolated office boomed.

the water on his desk rumbled as the beat dropped. the floor shook from the heavy bass.

yoongi sat with his arms outstretched behind his head for what seemed to be hours before the club closed for the night. he let out a small exhaled giggle at the sound of everyone ooh-ing and aww-ing because they were practically being kicked out.

without any warning, yoongi's co-owner, mr. park, burst through the door almost panicking. yoongi jumped from his seat and quickly asked what was wrong.

it took the man to catch his breath before he informed the owner that a new boy had come in to apply as a dancer. yoongi stopped himself from jumping around in joy. he ordered mr. park, who will just be called chanyeol, to bring this new boy to his office to discuss his application. chanyeol left and yoongi day back down.

it took just about no time before an averagely-heighted man walked in holding a clipboard with a pen. he briefly stared before walking inside. "h-hello, mr. min... i'm sure you know why i'm here, i just-" "call me yoongi." "a-are you sure? it s-seems a little disrespectful, i don't want to-" "no, it's okay. so anyways, tell me why you want to work here." "well, um... i guess i've just hit a point in my life where i don't know what to do, and this seemed fun, plus i have modern dancing experience, so i thought maybe it'd be cool to try..."

yoongi watched the man closely as he clutched the clipboard and moved his legs around.

"alright, well, it's great that you have at least any kind of dancing experience, and you did come at a convenient time, we're currently losing dancers."

he just nodded. "oh, what's your name? totally forgot to ask that obviously important question."

stop getting lost in his eyes, yoongi.

"th-the name's hoseok- uh, jung hoseok." he reached his hand out and they shook hands. following the interaction, hoseok hastily handed the clipboard full of paperwork to yoongi. yoongi skimmed over it before handing it back to hoseok. "well, we have plenty of open spots, and you have good proof of certain things required for this, so i'm going to consider letting you join our iiiteam. hoseok sighed in relief. "thank you so much, this means a lot to me. i've got to go now, goodbye."

and with that, hoseok left quickly.

time skip.

when yoongi lied down in his bed that night, hoseok crossed his mind. god, his perfect lips. and those bright eyes. i couldn't stop looking at him.

his body slept but his mind didn't. yoongi's eyes didn't close but his body seemed unmovable. the shivers of his cold frame affected the bed he was in, but it didn't bother the man. he just stared emptily at the ceiling as thoughts about hoseok raced around his mind.

i'm gonna try hard to make this story a good one. and hello to everyone who's never read my books before. and hello to everyone coming to this book after reading another one of my books.

speaking of my books, if y'all want you should go check out my other books while i update this one. there's plenty to choose from lol.

thanks for reading :)

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