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unknown: baby i want you back.

hoseok just covered his mouth in shock.

hoseok: well i'm already gone so fuck you.

unknown: i know where you are. i know the club.

hoseok: how the hell?

unknown: i'm coming to get you.

hoseok jumped out of the bed in fear, he saw his beautiful boyfriend soundly sleeping on the other side. his snores echoed through the small room.

hoseok: what if my boyfriend protects me?

unknown: oh i'm prepared for that. i'll fucking kill him.

hoseok: okay, you can take me just don't hurt him.

unknown: meet me in front of the club.

hoseok sighed. he knew he couldn't let his precious boyfriend get hurt. so, he stood and quietly left.

when he was walking out, baekhyun and chanyeol noticed him leaving. they quickly followed behind him and asked where he was even going.

hoseok walked outside and saw him.

the man he promised himself he'd never see again.

his ex, named cheoul, grabbed his shoulder and smirked. the couple behind them knew something was wrong because baekhyun was told about cheoul and chanyeol had a gut feeling something was happening.

"hey, what are you doing with hoseok?" baekhyun spoke up, and tried to stand tall, but he still felt short and weak.

"who are you to come to me and say that? get lost, you and your slutty boyfriend." "you little bi-" chanyeol stopped when baekhyun put a hand  in front of him to stop him from approaching the tall man.

even thought chanyeol was tall, cheoul was even taller. he was very intimidating. "are.." baekhyun hesitated. "are you cheoul? hoseok's ex?"

cheoul chuckled and looked down at hoseok. "yeah. what're you gonna do about it?" "y-y'know, he belongs to someone else! someone who actually takes care of him and doesn't shut him out just to cheat on him! someone who is a much better person with morals, a-and-"

baekhyun stopped. he saw cheoul getting angry.

cheoul held hoseok close and drew a gun.

"say one more fucking disrespectful word to me and i'll blow that ugly ass face of yours right off your head." "woah, woah, man... don't be doing that around here."

baekhyun looked at his boyfriend as chanyeol said that. he didn't want chanyeol to end up getting shot, but they couldn't let this guy take hoseok. "h-hey dude, don't try us. you really shouldn't mess with us and hoseok." baekhyun tried to be tough but he was scared.

"really?" the man tightened his grip on hoseok and now was practically strangling him.

"stop, you're choking hi-" baekhyun paused when the man pointed the gun at him and pulled the trigger. everything went in slow motion.

chanyeol reacted immediately. he jumped forward and blocked the bullet, getting shot in the hip.

he cried out and fell to the floor. baekhyun screamed and started crying.


yoongi jolted awake at the sound of a gunshot. he noticed hoseok was gone and ran outside. he saw what seemed to be hoseok's ex putting a gun away, and baekhyun sitting by a bleeding chanyeol.

"what the fuck is happening?" he yelled. "oh! i have just the thing for this." cheoul took out a pocketknife and swung it towards yoongi. hoseok screamed.

right before the blade hit yoongi, it stopped.

yoongi opened his clasped eyes to see baekhyun.

baekhyun was standing in front of him, his hands wrapped around the blade. "do not hurt anyone else!" he yelled loudly.

yoongi ran inside and screamed for someone to call the police. he saw taemin rush forward, already on the phone, as he looked through the glass doors to see the gory scene outside.

cheoul dropped the knife and laughed. "you just wasted your own hands, dumbass." yoongi ran out from behind baekhyun and tackled cheoul. he didn't understand how he managed to do that, considering he was much shorter and much skinnier than cheoul.

hoseok escaped his grasp, before collapsing.

a few minutes later, the police arrived.

wowie whatta chapter

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