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hoseok cried himself to sleep that night- well, he just cried. he couldn't sleep.

yoongi felt terrible.

he did his best to make hoseok feel better. he really tried. due to his yelling, he assumed hoseok didn't want to be around him. so he called mina with his phone, and had her watch hoseok while he watched the club.

when she got there, seeing hoseok in his crying state, she understood the seriousness of the situation.

the day passed so quickly yoongi didn't remember any of it. after receiving her address, he quickly drove to pick up hoseok. when he sat in the car, he looked... weird.

he wasn't the normal hoseok. his body was exhausted, his eyes drooped, and his arms wrapped around himself as to provide his own comfort. yoongi hates seeing him like this, he absolutely hated it.

when they got back to the apartment, yoongi brought him to the bedroom to talk.

they sat down, facing each other. yoongi started. "about last night- hoseok, i really am sorry. that was so stupid of me. i wasn't thinking right, something went wrong with me. i completely promise that i will never do that again. you don't have to forgive me, i'd be surprised if you did. i just want you to know how sorry i am."

hoseok looked at yoongi. he started leaning in, and yoongi followed instinctively.

they just kept getting closer until it finally happened. the thing that yoongi had been wanting to do since the moment he met hoseok.

their lips connected. it was soft at first, but they both started getting more passionate as it progressed. yoongi then pulled hoseok into his lap as they kept going. hoseok wrapped his arms around yoongi's neck, and yoongi cupped hoseok's face in his hands.

then it finally broke as they gasped for air. yoongi smiled, which was just enough motivation for hoseok to copy.

"are you sure you're ready for any kind of relationship?" yoongi asked. "yep. as long as it's with you." they giggled.


"baekhyunie~ i'm horny."

"hell no, chanyeol. it's one in the damn morning."

chanyeol whined and laid on top of his boyfriend, who was lying on a bed on his phone.

baekhyun turned off his phone and smiled. "your hair is so fluffy right now." he said while playing with it. "stop!" chanyeol whined. "don't disrespect me. i'm older than you." "well i'm taller than you."

baekhyun imitated his boyfriend's whining. chanyeol giggled and started tickling baekhyun. eventually they were wrestling, then stopping as they laughed.

holy shit whatta shortass chapter y'all mianhae

holy shit whatta shortass chapter y'all mianhaeBUT CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT BAEKYEOL SIZE DIFFERENCE LIKE

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