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yoongi sighed. another dancer quit. that was the third one that month. he didn't know why every left, they never said why. they just left and never showed back up.

plus he hadn't seen hoseok all day. hoseok had gone out in the morning to run some quick errands.

and now he just disappeared. no sign of him. no texts, calls, nothing. yoongi was a bit worried.


"don't say a fucking word." cheoul said.

hoseok held his breath while cheoul held up the gun.

the car drove fast, but to hoseok, it was taking a long time. he held his hands together and silently chanted yoongi's name. he wished to be in his hoyfriend's arms again. he wanted to kiss him one last time.

they drove for endless hours. it felt like an eternity that hoseok was in that car, it was like torture.

"get the hell out." hoseok was confused. they were in the middle of nowhere. "this way." cheoul pointed. "walk or die." hoseok walked quickly in the direction he pointed, hoping by his life that he wouldn't be shot. it's not that he didn't want to die- it's that yoongi would be hurt.

a small shed came into sight. "get in there and sit on the couch, now." cheoul said with his deep, menacing voice. hoseok obeyed and sat down once they arrived.

cheoul sat in front of hoseok. "ask your questions."

"how did you get out of jail?!" "i won't say. ask something different you ignorant bitch."

"why do you want me so bad?" hoseok said softly.

"because. now i have a toy to play with."

hoseok watched as the scariest grin he'd ever seen spread across cheoul's face.


it'd been five fucking days. yoongi called the police by the second day. they'd been searching for a while. it was to the point where he was panicking every day.

mina was staying at yoongi's. she and him were working together to find hoseok, with no luck.

one night, they were sitting on the couch, face to face. "d-do you think he's g-gone for good?" yoongi said while crying. she shook her head. "we have to stay hopeful that he's okay. you and i both know he's strong, and he can get through this. "but what i-if he c-can't?"

mina gasped. "do..." she stopped and sighed. "do... do you think.. ch-cheoul... is behind all of this?"

yoongi stared at her with the most fearful face ever.

"oh my god... how the hell? i have a feeling it's him." "but he went to jail?" "he's strong- not in a good way. he uses his strength for evil. he probably broke out." "what a desperate little asshole.." mina muttered.


i'll use the window. when he's asleep. i'll lock his door from the outside after picking my lock, then i'll pick the lock on the window and get the fuck out of here. i can't take this.

hoseok's plan was well thought out. cheoul may have been strong, but he sure wasn't smart.

oh shit drama
my ideas were dried out and this book was getting boring. sorry i had to tho

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