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yoongi still had mina's address because of the small fight they had a while back. he plugged it into his phone and drove there as quick as he possibly.

yoongi knocked on the door after arriving, and heard a faint, "the door is open!" he slowly opened the door to see hoseok rushing out of a bedroom. they stared at each for brief moments.

"where's mina?" yoongi said as he walked to hoseok.

"not home." hoseok said while running to yoongi.

they finally made contact and their lips clashed together. it felt amazing because they both missed each other lots.

once they broke away, they apologized. "i'm sorry for going against your words." "i'm sorry for yelling at you and disrespecting you." they said to one another.

when the words finished, another kiss was shared. this time it was longer and more meaningful. it was like an "i am sorry" kiss this time, whereas the first one was an "i missed you" kiss.

there was a pause when they pulled away.

"hoseok, why are you crying?"

"because i'm so happy to have you back."

yoongi drove hoseok back as hoseok texted mina to tell her the news. they happily sang songs together and laughed their asses off.


baekhyun walked into the owner's office, finding chanyeol asleep with his head on the desk.

giggles erupted from him. i'll let him sleep. he thought.

baekhyun turned around and quietly left, walking through the locker room. he walked past everyone and no one seemed to notice him. everyone was talking to others, their conversations so deep they didn't see him.

sighs exited baekhyun. he wished he'd have more people to talk to, but at least chanyeol was more than enough.

he shuffled to the bar on one of the sides of the building. a bottle of beer was ordered by him, which the bartender had specifically for him.

maybe chanyeol didn't know, so what.

baekhyun drank. he wasn't alcoholic, he just drank a lot because there were still holes in his heart.

and he thought alcohol would fill them.

what he didn't realize was that chanyeol was perfectly capable of filling those holes in his heart without alcohol. the two rarely spoke about feelings, other than saying how much they loved one another.

three entire beer bottles later, baekhyun felt dizzy and like he was going to throw up. he didn't have the best tolerance for alcohol.

all of the sudden, an extremely drunk man approached.

baekhyun watched as he flirted with the bartender, who was a woman, making her feel very uncomfortable. so, he went up to the man and slapped him, despite feeling extremely dizzy and gross.

the man stared at baekhyun as anger filled his body. without any warning, the drunkard started swinging at baekhyun, hitting him hard in the chin. he kneed him in the stomach and started kicking him one baekhyun fell to the ground.

some sober people ran up and tackled the man.

that's when baekhyun noticed chanyeol, right before his eyes closed and he blacked out.


yoongi walked in with hoseok when he saw chanyeol running to a scene in the back of the building. he ran after him and hoseok followed the two.

they found baekhyun passed out on the floor.

some people carried the drunk man out of the building while some crowded around baekhyun. "what the hell happened this time?" "some guy was flirting with me, so baekhyun slapped him, and the man went crazy..." the bartender said, feeling guilty.

"what the fuck is it always you, and never me.." chanyeol muttered to himself. he hated seeing baekhyun hurt.

that's when chanyeol thought, wait, why would he be at the bar? he tells me he just walks around or hangs out in the locker room... that's when he realized.

"how many drinks did he have?" "three beers."

"fuck." chanyeol whispered under his breath. "why the actual hell is it always you getting hurt, you need to stop doing this to yourself, if you needed something, i was right there with open arms.." "i know."

chanyeol gasped quietly and saw baekhyun's eyes open.

"baekhyun, please don't do that ever again... i hate seeing you in pain like this."

baekhyun smiled. "at least it's not you."

i'm running out of ideas help pls lmao

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