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hoseok's pov

i sat in the locker room, bored as hell. yoongi stopped letting me stay in the office because he needed to work. i wasn't normally busy.

i really wanted more time with yoongi. yoongi was getting busy and was too tired to spend time with me at night. he worked weekends and we were just drifting apart, i was getting depressed from it.

... and i might've cut again.

i tried to hide it but he found out. it was a dark night and he saw scars he hadn't seen before.

"what the hell, hoseok? what the hell!" yoongi raised his voice at me and tears already rushed to my eyes. "i tell you not to and you still fucking do!" "well how am i supposed to cope with you forgetting about me and leaving me behind?" i said back.

he just stopped and stared at me.

"yoongi, i'm so-" "i'm doing my fucking job. the thing i had before i had you."

wow. i couldn't believe he just said that.

"your job is more important than your boyfriend?" he looked offended, but i'm just summarizing. "who the fuck do you think you are to say that?"

"yoongi i can't stay here and work happily when my boyfriend neglects me for his own work!"

"fuck you. i'm doing the best i can. if you don't like it, then leave."

"fine. i quit." i grabbed my bag and started shoving my things into it. when i was done, i threw it over my shoulder and stormed out. i could tell yoongi realized his mistake, but i made one too. i had to leave.

"hoseok, wait- hoseok, listen to me." i stopped in the doorway and turned to him.

"what?" "hoseok i'm sorry. i'm so fucking stupid." "i think you meant i am and not you." i walked out the door.


third person

yoongi knelt on the ground and broke into tears. "god dammit yoongi... you really fucked it up..." he cried.

the sobbing boy ran to his phone and called hoseok. no answer. he called seven times before giving up. "he's really gone, isn't he?" yoongi said to himself. "i hope he at least has somewhere to go."

time skip.

baekhyun greeted yoongi when he walked into his office that morning. he just glanced at the older.

yoongi's cold glance immediately caught chanyeol's attention, since he was standing by the door and waiting for his boyfriend. he walked up and stood by him. "are you okay, yoongi?" yoongi shook his head.

"wait. i know this look." chanyeol bent down to get to yoongi's level. "dry tears means he cried. droopy eyes means he didn't sleep well. cold glances mean something bad happened to him- you lost someone?" yoongi nodded. "oh." baekhyun said. "he lost hoseok."

"break up? did you fight?" chanyeol continued. yoongi nodded again.

"it's okay. i've been dumped plenty of times in my life." baekhyun said. "really? who? i'll kick their asses." chanyeol said. "not the time." the older muttered.

yoongi suddenly burst into tears.

baekhyun went to wrap his arm around him and chanyeol asked, "do you want me to call namjoon?" yoongi nodded.


hoseok was curled up in the corner of mina's couch. she was in the kitchen getting him ice cream.

"here," she said when she handed it to him. "this may make you feel better." hoseok took the ice cream in tears and started eating it in between his sobs. mina day by him and rubbed his back while he cried.

"he didn't want to be around me, he said his work was more important than his own boyfriend.." hoseok cried. "cry it out, hun. it'll feel better soon enough."

hoseok put the ice cream down and hugged mina.

she hugged back, knowing how hard it must be to lose someone you thought you loved. she'd been there.

angst oops

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