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it was really late one night, and hoseok felt lonely, though he was sleeping right next to yoongi. 

he woke up the older and told him about his loneliness. yoongi agreed that they could talk for a little before they'd both go to sleep. they sat side by side and stared at the wall in front of them.

hoseok broke the long lasting silence when his phone started ringing. he checked the ID. "it's mina." he said softly, then answering. "why are you calling me at one in the morning? you should be asleep." yoongi tried to listen closely but couldn't understand the girl on the other line.

"really? since when? what does she look like?" muttering sounded from the phone. yoongi just leaned back and waited.

"oh my god, mina, yay! let's talk about this in the morning, get some rest."

and with that, hoseok ended the call and put his phone away. "what happened?" yoongi asked curiously. "it was mina, she met this girl and really likes her."

"aww, i ship them already." yoongi giggled. they both leaned against the pillows and sighed. silence fell upon them once again. this time, it lasted longer. they started at the white, plain wall for everlasting minutes before once again, silence was broken.

"have you ever kissed anyone?"

yoongi froze in his place. he'd kissed plenty of people- and i mean plenty. let's just say he had experience with kissing. he turned to hoseok.

"yeah, a good amount of times, as well."

"really?" "mhm."

"my ex would kiss me. but it wasn't passionate."

"what was it?"

"painfully aggressive."

yoongi felt pity for hoseok. it must've hurt like hell in every possible way to be with that shitty person.

"i need to sleep but i want to stay awake with you." "then stay awake. you can sleep in your office tomorrow, can't you?" "yeah, i guess i could do that." they sighed. "this may sound weird, but i noticed something on your wrists when i was helping you. they looked like old and new scratch wounds."

yoongi watched as hoseok froze and his face went pale. that's when yoongi realized hoseok wore long sleeves all the time, even when dancing.

"please don't tell me you self-ha-"

"i used to."

yoongi felt the guilt seeping from hoseok. he knew he was lying. he knew damn well.

hoseok immediately noticed that yoongi knew. well, time to let him know about more of the fucking mess i am. hoseok thougbt angrily to himself.

"and... maybe sometimes, occasionally, i'll-" yoongi sprang up from the bed and ran into the living room. hoseok followed nervously and saw yoongi start going through hoseok's bag. "no, wait, yoongi, it's not that easy-" hoseok tried to stop yoongi.

yoongi said not one word as he searched through the bag. hoseok kept trying to stop him but it didn't work. pretty soon hoseok was in tears begging and pleading for yoongi to stop, but he didn't. eventually, he found a razor blade hidden deep within the bag. he took it and ran to the bathroom. "no! yoongi!" hoseok screamed.

without hesitation, the older threw it in the toilet and flushed in down the drains.

hoseok kneeled by the toilet and cupped his face in his hands. yoongi stood emotionlessly as he listened to hoseok's uneasy sounding sobs.

yoongi angrily kneeled next to hoseok and grabbed his wrists. he shook them and got super close to hoseok's face and yelled, "why the hell would you do that to yourself?! i don't want to see this ever happen!"

he stopped. hoseok was sobbing so hard he was choking and screaming in between each cough and the tears were flowing down his red face. his whole body shivered in fear  and he held his head down as he tried to catch his breath, unsuccessful at every gasp.

"oh my god, hoseok, i'm so sorry, really, please forgive me. i'm an idiot for yelling at you, i really really am sorry." yoongi lifted his hand to move hoseok's hair.

in the younger's panicked state, and relationship experience, he interpreted it as a smack in the face. he flinched and held his face down. yoongi had never felt more guilty about anything in his whole life.

dramatic chapter oops. btw lee mina might be based off of me ;)

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