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it was finally winter, and things were becoming cold. snow fell one day and everyone was happy. well, everyone but a few people.


"where's baekhyun?"

yoongi turned to hoseok. "i don't know. i haven't seen chanyeol around, either."

"well, i've got no shifts today so i'm gonna take a walk in the snow. it's nice to get some cold." hoseok said as he put on his hat and walked out. yoongi smiled as he watched his beloved boyfriend shuffle by.

time skip.

yoongi's phone ringtone rang loudly and echoed through the small room. it was hoseok.

"hey, hun. what's up?" "yoongi, i found baekhyun freezing out by a tree in the park. i'm bringing him to the place. get something warm for him now."

yoongi sprang up and ran upstairs. he grabbed all the blankets and hauled them back downstairs.

he looked through the glass windows at the front and saw hoseok bringing a cold, weak looking baekhyun towards the building. they walked through the doors and everyone helped get him wrapped up and to the locker room. he lied down on a bench and shivered.

"baekhyun, what happened?" yoongi asked worriedly as the dancers left to prepare for performing.

baekhyun sat up and stared emptily. it looked like all the bubbly emotion was drained from him. he stuttered, struggling to talk. but eventually, some words were spit out by his frozen lips.

"he left me."

"what do you mean, he left you?"

"chanyeol. chanyeol broke up with me."

hoseok and yoongi glanced at each other in shock. "he-" hoseok paused. "h-he broke up with you? why?"

baekhyun sighed and shook his head. the couple could tell how cold he was because he hadn't moved anything besides his legs and lips. his hands were extremely pale with red on the edges, and his nose was pink.

"it's just..." baekhyun sighed again.

"just what? was it not working?" hoseok asked.

"no, he said he was losing his spark. i was told it was my fault, and that something changed in me and he didn't like the change. i didn't underst- ... understand.."

and at that point, baekhyun burst out crying.

the couple looked back and forth, wondering what to do. "oh, baekhyun, i'm so sorry.. i wish i could've prevented that." "you guys looked so happy, i would've never expected this to happen. i'm sorry."

baekhyun sniffled and wiped his eyes when yoongi suddenly got a call.

"sorry. i'll be right back." he said before walking back into his office to answer the call.

"yoongi... i messed up."

"chanyeol? why are you calling me?"

"because i need your help. baekhyun won't want me back after what i did." "what did you do? he told me that you just said it wasn't working and made him leave." "i did something more. he may not want to tell you."

"what?" "he caught my friend sehun kissing me."

yoongi sat blankly before speaking again. "i'm guessing you didn't kiss back?" "nope. i tried telling him i had a boyfriend but he didn't listen. baekhyun was so angry, and that was when i found out he'd still been drinking. i just couldn't take being hurt and seeing him hurt."

"you said you needed my help. how will i help you?" "i think he deserves some days of freedom. he needs it to find himself again. after that, bring him to my place."

oh snap

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