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it was late that night when it got pretty busy at the ballroom but the good thing was that hoseok's boyfriend left, giving hoseok time to relax and practice.

hoseok watched from backstage as the dancers performed for the audience.

he was impressed. they moved so nicely and people practically screamed for more as they threw money. it felt a bit weird to see this, but hoseok understood he'd have to get used to it quick if he was planning on staying.

hoseok knew he wasn't ready to dance in front of that audience yet, but he was definitely excited to start. suddenly, he saw baekhyun step on stage. he was amazed at the older's dancing skills, and was a bi surprised at the fact that baekhyun had the confidence to perform alone in front of all those people.

time skip.

hoseok checked in with yoongi that night to thank him for letting him into the team, when yoongi asked a question hoseok hoped he wouldn't.

"so, where you headed? what place do you live in? and do you live with any family or... or a partner?"

hoseok just froze and panicked as he attempted to think of some kind of excuse for probably not having a bed to sleep in that night. them yoongi paused and looked at hoseok with a serious glare.

"do you even have a place to stay?"

"uh, yeah, yeah... my boyfriend and i live in an apartment together, it's just-"

hoseok saw yoongi's face drop at the mention of a boyfriend. they stood quietly for moments. "it's just what? is everything- uh... going okay?"

the younger knew yoongi was worried now. "well, sometimes, he kicks me out, but i'm sure he won't tonight, i mean it's kinda rare-" hoseok's lie was cut off. "let me give you my number. if he kicks you out, call me and i'll pick you up." hoseok accepted and yoongi plugged his number into hoseok's phone.

"alright. be safe. rest well and get prepared for tomorrow. goodnight." yoongi smiled and waved. hoseok waved and quickly rushed out.

he ran home in the pouring rain and when he reached the apartment, he heard some suspicious sounds from inside. as he knocked, the noises stopped and the sounds of panicked shuffling echoed through the hallway.

when the door opened, hoseok didn't care.

his boyfriend was in only boxers with red and purple bruises across his neck.

"you're cheating on me." "what? no..."

"i know it. i see your hickeys, you're half naked, and i heard the noises. you don't need to lie to me."

"okay, so... maybe i did cheat? it's not like you're ever around to satisfy me as a boyfriend."

"because you kick me out and i have no choice but to make a living by myself!" hoseok blurted out.

his boyfriend watched the tears start pouring, but he couldn't care less. "if you're making such a living then fucking leave." he slammed the door. hoseok heard footsteps before his now ex-boyfriend came back with a suitcase of his things stuffed into it and a blanket. "goodbye, bitch." and with that, he was alone.

hoseok stood in the hallway while his tears spilt.

yoongi. he thought. call yoongi.

and so he did. he walked outside and stood in the pouring rain for ten minutes before yoongi showed up. hoseok was surprised because he knew that a drive from the apartment to the club, which yoongi lived at, was at least twenty minutes long. yoongi was fast.

"get in." yoongi said as he opened the passenger side door. hoseok sat down and threw his suitcase and blanket into the back seat.

yoongi drove quickly back to the ballroom and rushed hoseok into the small built-in apartment.

they sat on the couch. "all you said on the call was that you were kicked out. how did it happen?" yoongi asked softly. hoseok sniffled uncontrollably, half from the cold rain he'd been standing in, half from his tears.

"i-i caught him ch-ch-cheating and so he kicked me-e out f-for g-good.." hoseok choked out with sort of loud sobs breaking almost every word.

"aww, you poor thing.." yoongi leaned in and hugged him. "normally i wouldn't let people live here but i know how hard that is. you are allowed to stay as long as you need to." "r-really? i don't w-wanna be a bur-burden..." "you won't. trust me." yoongi smiled.

it's late and i want sleep but i want to update this book a lil more

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