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spoiler alert: they watch a kdrama in this and there will be spoilers to it. if you've already watched it  then you'll be fine lmao.

yoongi and hoseok sat in the hallway in front of chanyeol's room, waiting for approval to come inside.

finally, a doctor exited the room and let them in.

what the couple found in the room was chanyeol sitting comfortably in the hospital bed while baekhyun was on a nearby couch, sitting in a pile of blankets with a cup of coffee in his hand. his eyes were baggy and his nose was red, not to mention he was sniffling.

yoongi sat down but hoseok remained standing. "so, how was last night?" yoongi asked.

"shit." baekhyun said while sipping his coffee.

"i was asking chanyeol, i already know what happened with you." yoongi replied. baekhyun stared with no emotion whatsoever and kept sipping his drink.

hoseok held his hands behind his back as he felt the heavy awkwardness fill the room. "it was okay," chanyeol started. "i wish baekhyun was let in cause i was restless. but i think he had a way worse night."

yoongi just nodded and said nothing else. hoseok cleared his throat and avoided eye contact.

time skip.

yoongi sat in his apartment on the couch. hoseok was out visiting chanyeol at the hospital, but yoongi wanted to go home, so he did.

his fingers typed into google on his laptop he was holding. his google search was, 'how to impress your lover on a date.' the results didn't come out the way he wanted, so he searched, 'what gay men like from other men.' he read many forums and articles, taking mental notes.

well, that and taking physical notes on paper.

the things he wrote down were, 'holding hands, hair playing, random eye contact, admiration (?).' he sighed and closed his computer.

that was when hoseok got back. yoongi frantically hid the paper inside the closed laptop.

"hi, hun." yoongi said. hoseok waved and went to the kitchen. "let's watch a movie. i'll grab some snacks." yoongi heard him yell from the nearby room. "okay. what movie?" "oh let's start that kdrama called hwarang! i heard it has many kpop idols and is overall great."

yoongi smiled and turned on the tv. he opened the viki app, and yes, he did that on the tv, and searched for hwarang. he found it quickly and prepared to watch.

hoseok walked in holding a bowl of chips and soda. he smiled his heart-shaped smile and sat next to yoongi.

the older clicked the play button, and it started.

4 hours later...

yoongi hugged hoseok, who was crying.

"a-all he wanted was to find his family... why did he have to be killed? it wasn't his fault he saw the king!"

yoongi chuckled a little, but also felt bad. hoseok loved watching these things, so whenever something bad happened, he'd always be super affected by it.

2 hours later...

hoseok and yoongi were tangled underneath the blanket. the younger's head was buried in yoongi's chest and they were both fast asleep. the kdrama stopped playing after they'd stopped interacting with it.

yoongi suddenly woke up and checked the time. 2:16am. he sighed and looked down at hoseok, seeing how comfortable he was. he didnt want to wake him up.

so, yoongi just carried hoseok to the bedroom.

they lied down, still a bit tangled together. yoongi looked down at hoseok's peaceful sleeping face. the moment he started stroking his hair, hoseok smiled, making yoongi all bubbly and happy. his gummy smile lasted for unending moments.

time skip to later morning.

an alarm sounded in the pair's ears. hoseok turned to turn it off as yoongi groaned in annoyance.

"come on, yoongi. we've gotta get up." "noooo.." yoongi whined. hoseok smiled and texted chanyeol that they'd come later because they wanted some time to sleep in. he then turned back to his boyfriend.

yoongi wrapped his arms around hoseok's waist.

hoseok put his hand on yoongi's cheek, making the older smile wider and wider. yoongi pulled his head up so that it was lined up with hoseok's face. they giggled and nuzzled their noses together.

hoseok stared at yoongi's face.

i must've saved the world in my previous life to deserve being with him. he thought.

i'm s o f t

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