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today was the day. yoongi told baekhyun there was a surprise, and so they started driving.


"this place looks weirdly familiar." baekhyun squinted his eyes in suspicion. "just be patient. and don't be mad at me." "why would i be- oh, i know where you're taking me.. god dammit." baekhyun sighed and leaned back.

"it's for your own good. chanyeol has some things to say to you." yoongi explained.

baekhyun stared out he window at the night sky. he didn't know if he wanted to talk to chanyeol again. he didn't know what to do.

"we're here." yoongi said. he started walking towards the small apartment buildings. baekhyun went to one and so yoongi followed. yoongi opened the door with the spare keys chanyeol lended him. when the younger walked in the door, baekhyun hesitated and looked down.

"come on. you won't regret it." yoongi said. he then remembered the times he's said that they would never break up or have any drama. well, he was wrong.

baekhyun took a deep breath and stepped inside.

he took off his shoes and waited, standing in the living room. yoongi left the room and that was when chanyeol came in. baekhyun felt like his breath was taken away.

"listen to me, just let me explain."

baekhyun nodded and waited. "when you walked in on me and sehun, i'd been asking him not to flirt with me because i was dating you. but he obviously didn't listen to me, and you just happened to walk in when it happened. so that was where you were in the wrong.."

baekhyun felt awful. "i'm sorry, this is all my fau-"

"let me get to where i was in the wrong."

"it's true- you shouldn't be drinking so much. i hate to see you in pain. and i'd like you to stop, but i can't force you." "w-what about when you said y-you lost your sp-sp-spark?" baekhyun choked out.

though he was looking down, and his hair was covering his face, chanyeol immediately knew he was crying.

"i don't know what i was doing. i was confused as to what to do, i acted stupidly." chanyeol explained. he heard baekhyun holding back sobs as the older cried.

chanyeol went down to baekhyun's eye level. he placed his finger on the older's chin and lifted his head. his face was completely red and soaked with tears. "oh, honey, don't cry." "i-i just love you s-s-so damn much.."

chanyeol stood back up. suddenly, baekhyun ran into his arms and sobbed into his chest.

the younger stroked his hair and held him close. "i honestly th-thought you didn't lo-love me anymore.." baekhyun cried. "and i thought i'd lost you for good."

yoongi smiled as he sneaked behind them and out the door. he got to his car and started it. "job well done." he said to himself, chuckling a little before driving off. once he got home, he told the whole story to hoseok.

baekyeol makes me uwu
okay next chapters will be yoonseok focused again i promise mianhae

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