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yoongi was sitting at his desk, listening to the music playing outside his office, as per usual.

suddenly, baekhyun walked in. he seemed a bit nervous and was quiet. "hey, uh, yoongi, could i ask you for a favor?" "sure, anything. what is it?"

"well, you know how kinky chanyeol can be-" baekhyun paused to chuckle softly. "and he said that he won't let our relationship progress until we, uh..." "spit it out, i'm sure i can handle it. besides, i ship you two like you're my parents." "well, he wants to... have sex with me... somewhere in this club. at least three times." baekhyun said awkwardly.

yoongi laughed. "baekhyun, this is a damn strip club. even though it isn't meant for sex, it's meant for gay shit."

baekhyun giggled in reply. "you don't need to feel uncomfortable. you dance on men every fucking day, and i'm the owner of this place. it was my idea to make this place, you think i'd mind you guys doing that?" "yeah- i mean, no, sorry. i just wanted to check in to make sure it's okay, cause i really want our relationship to progress." "i'll make sure no one goes where the magic happens." yoongi winked. baekhyun rolled his eyes.

"i'll go ask him. be right back." baekhyun left the room. yoongi just chuckled to himself before baek returned.

while laughing baekhyun said, "he wants to start right now in one of the private rooms. one all the way in the back and on the right." "go ahead, put an out of order sign on it before you go in."

yoongi thought to himself as baekhyun left. "i just discussed where my friend should have sex."

then he burst out into laughter. yoongi was consistently alone during the day, so he had no problem laughing and making jokes to himself. he enjoyed it.

but the happiness didn't last. with no warning, hoseok entered through a side door in tears. he seemed a bit torn up, like he'd gotten into a physical fight or something. yoongi rose from his seat and hugged hoseok.

"tell me what's wrong, baby."

hoseok didn't notice the thing that just made yoongi's whole world come to a stop. his cheeks stung from embarrassment but he ignored it.

"i-i was d-dancing, and volunteered f-for p-p-privates, and my e-ex br-brought me in-n and hurt me-e..." hoseok barely sobbed out his broken words. "what's his name? i'm calling the police." "no! don't!" yoongi paused.

he pulled away from the hug and stared seriously at hoseok. "why not?" "h-he's gonna be-e m-m-mad..."

he stopped. "pl-please, pr-promise me you w-won't?" hoseok pleaded. "alright, if you don't want me to, i won't." "can i have permission to check just your upper body and legs? my parents forced me into medical training before i created this place so i have an urge to check people's health." yoongi explained.

hoseok hesitated, but soon accepted. yoongi brought him to a bathroom. hoseok seemed like he knew what to do, and nervously removed his shirt and pulled his pants high enough so you could see all of both legs. yoongi began tending to the bruises and scratches scattered across the sobbing man's body. hoseok flinched every time he was touched and seemed very unhappy.

"if you want me to stop, i will."

hoseok shook his head.

yoongi shrugged and went back to tending the wounds. once he finished, hoseok put his clothes back on. they both paused. yoongi took the opportunity and hugged hoseok happily. "it's okay. i'm here for you." he said.

ahhh short chapter oops
thanks for support
i will try to be better about these chapters

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