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time to finally put this plan into motion.

hoseok stood up from the blown out air mattress on the floor. he glanced around the room and took a deep breath as he held the thin clothes hanger.

he quickly unlocked his door and tip-toed to cheoul's room door. he used the hanger to silently break the lock, locking cheoul inside his room. he then ran back to his room, closing the door behind him and approaching the window, using the hanger to unlock and open it.

the window slid open and he crawled out. i'm free now. now i need to run. he thought.

and that's exactly what he did. he ran faster than he'd ever run before, trying to get as far away as possible. he had no idea where he was going, but at least he was free.

hoseok didn't have his phone- cheoul stole it and probably broke it.

all he did was run. he ran for a good hour in the black darkness called nighttime. he got too tired, so he stopped and hid behind a rock.

he knew that it had been a few days since he was taken. he knew yoongi was probably looking for him. and he wanted to go home and tell him that he was okay, but he couldn't. he knew yoongi probably thought he was dead, or would forever be missing. yoongi tended to panic.

but what yoongi thought wasn't important. what was important was hoseok getting home safely.

hoseok sat down and looked up at the sky. he needed something to comfort him or else he would cry so hard that cheoul would hear him.

so, he started singing you are by got7.

the song used to be something that he'd go to in his times of need- usually when he was dealing with cheoul during that terrible relationship.


yoongi took a pen and wrote down in his journal. 'do they found cheoul, but not hoseok. he confessed to have taken hoseok, but he disappeared. fuck. he probably escaped. i'm glad that he isn't gone for good. he's still out there, waiting for me to save him. don't worry, hoseok. i'm coming to save you.'

he smiled and put it down. i'll be helping to search tomorrow. i'm really hopeful that i'll find him. yoongi thought.


time skip.

hoseok shuffled across the dusty ground. he'd just slept a night of hiding behind a rock, lying in sand.

he didn't sleep very well. it's hard to sleep like that. he sighed as he walked. the good thing was that he was headed towards a small gas station that seemed open.

once he arrived, he walked inside, happy to see civilization after his days of torture.

when he walked in, the store clerk gasped.

she was short, with blue hair and brown eyes. hoseok waved. "a-are you perhaps... the boy who went missing almost a week ago?" she asked politely but also in shock. "what do you mean?" "well, this man went missing in an area near here. the police set up signs and warnings for anyone in a seven hour walking radius- at least, that was what i was told." hoseok shrugged. there were plenty of missing people. how could it be him?

"his, uh... name is jung hoseok. the guy who was frantically looking for him was something yoongi." hoseok froze. "y-yoongi..."

"so you are him! i'll call the number on the sign..."

hoseok sighed in relief. he could finally go home and see his beloved boyfriend again.


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