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hoseok waited with the woman for the police and yoongi to show up. "s-so... what happened?" she asked.

"well, i have an ex who has some issues. he took me to his hidden house and tortured me for five days before i escaped. after walking for a day, i found this place."

"rumor has it he was caught and locked back in jail, this time for good." she replied. "good. he deserves to rot in there..." "oh! i think they're here!" hoseok and the woman both stood up and left the building.

hoseok saw two police cars and a familiar black car. he looked in the windows and saw him.

yoongi stood up from his car, not taking his eyes off him. the tears he'd held in and released sometimes for those six days finally broke free completely.

"ho-oseok.." he cried as he slowly approached him.

hoseok wiped his eyes as he ran to his beloved. it felt like years he waited to see him again- even though it'd only been less than a week.

finally, the time came they'd both anticipated since hoseok disappeared.

yoongi ran the fastest to hoseok and hugged him. he held on tight and let his sobs fall down his cheeks, onto hoseok's shoulder. "h-hoseok, i mi-issed you-u...." yoongi wept. hoseok shut his eyes and smiled softly.

"if that bitch cheoul gets to you one more time, i swear i'll either murder him or get super high end security for you."

hoseok giggled at yoongi's 'serious-joking.' he liked how protective he was.

they pulled away and wiped their eyes again at the same time. it brought out a couple of giggles before they went silent again. "cmon." yoongi said. "let's get home." hoseok nodded and they headed to the car.

time skip.

the dancers hurriedly surrounded hoseok when he walked in the doors.

short chapters mianhae
the end of this book is near cause i'm out of ideas and i have other story ideas i want to work on
thanks for the support and stuff y'all give this book which is a PIECE OF SHIT but okay

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