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"remember that day we first kissed?" "yeah, i do." "did you ever think we'd get this far?" "what do you mean?" "i mean, did you ever think at that moment, or before that, that we'd get far enough to kiss again? cuddle every night? go on a date? have sex? break up and get back together?" hoseok said. yoongi shook his head.

"but i'm really glad that we are this far."

"you taught me what a perfect relationship is."

"i love you, hoseok." hoseok looked at yoongi then walked to him. "you frowned when you said that." he laughed a little, but also seemed sort of serious. "don't you know i don't frown all the time? a happy person like you should know that." hoseok stopped smiling.

"and don't you know i can't smile all the time?"

yoongi looked down. "i don't care. you'll always be perfect to me." "i'm not this perfect human, i have flaws. flaws that override everything good about me. i'm not perfect, yoongi." "hm, maybe not..."

"but i still want you."

"god dammit i love you so much." hoseok turned his head. yoongi smiled.


the tv screen was blue as it was turning off. the room was dark and yoongi was lying on the couch, asleep. hoseok walked in, looking at the clock and reading 1:04am.

without even trying to wake up yoongi, hoseok climbed onto his boyfriend. he buried his face in yoongi's chest and closed his eyes to sleep. yoongi squinted his eyes as it woke him up, seeing black hair in front of him. he chuckled and played with hoseok's hair before sleeping.

"i couldn't sleep because you weren't there." hoseok whispered. "well, i'm here now." yoongi replied.

"let's go out in the morning. we've had too many lazy days." hoseok whispered more. "but it was said to rain tomorrow." "so?" yoongi reached for his phone on the table, when hoseok said, "it's 1 o'clock." "you read my mind." "that's what i do." hoseok shrugged.

"look at me." hoseok moved his head to look at him.

"what?" he questioned. yoongi smiled. "you're so perfect. i mean it." hoseok just giggled and put his head back down. "go to bed." "okay. goodnight."


hoseok shivered. he wasn't on yoongi anymore.

he opened his eyes to find he was lying on the couch in the same place, just without yoongi. he sat up and stretched his arms. "morning beautiful." yoongi said from the kitchen. hoseok smiled.

"we're going to a coffee shop today- just for now. we can figure out what's next later." "okay." hoseok stood up and walked to the bedroom, grabbing clothes.

once the two were ready, they walked to and into a small, hidden little coffee shop and ordered their drinks. afterwards, they headed to a seat and started a nice little conversation that went by quickly.

after receiving their drinks, hoseok and yoongi walked outside on a sidewalk along a cliff that dropped down to the ocean. suddenly, it started to rain.

"ahh! run!" hoseok yelled jokingly. they chugged their drinks and threw them away, then running home.

while they ran, yoongi tripped and fell on hoseok.

instead of being hurt, they just laughed. "that was your fault!" "it's not my fault you run too fault!" "oh, blame it on me! you fell, not me!" they yelled while giggling.

"alright, let's head home. we can cuddle and watch tv." "we're watching hwarang again." "but you cried last time?" "i'll have tissues and you again this time."

i must stop with my sea of uwu
yoonseok are so cute i can't

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