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big time skip :)

yoongi sighed. the day before was his four year anniversary of owning the club. he was cleaning up the mess that was made during the party the night before.

he thought about everyone he knew and loved.

baekhyun and chanyeol had gotten married a couple of years before. it was about time they did. they had a bunch of new, young dancers, because the others started families and lives.

meanwhile, yoongi and hoseok were still just two boyfriends living together and having sex.

no big deal. at least not to the rest of the world.

hoseok has just seen a post of baekhyun and chanyeol. he smiled and turned to yoongi. "hey, yoong, we should get married." he half joked, but he was also being a little serious. "sure. i think i love you enough." they laughed.


hoseok watched his breath show into a small cloud then quickly disappear as he sighed. he was walking home from the grocery store in the snowy, cold winter.

suddenly, someone grabbed his arm and yanked him aside into an alleyway. hoseok dropped the bags.

"hey, i'm a friend of your ex's. don't make any noise or else you'll fucking pay for it." hoseok tried to struggle, tired of being fought over, but he never had enough strength. so he cried. "please let me go.." he whispered as he begged. "no, this is for cheoul."

the man shoved hoseok into a car and drove off.

this book is ending soon. sorry for the short ass chapter but i'm home alone and getting really paranoid lmao.

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