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yoongi stood in the kitchen, with his arm on the counter. he was writing in purple marker the things that were said to be good on a date.

he waited for hoseok to wake up.

once he did, yoongi waited for him to get dressed and stuff, while he waited by the front door with roses.

he couldn't hide his excitement. yoongi grinned happily and bit his lips while eagerly awaiting hoseok. it took a little while, but hoseok eventually found yoongi.

"what are these for?" "you, duh."

hoseok giggled as yoongi handed him the beautiful bouquet. the younger sniffed the flowers and sighed before they finally left the apartment. "where are we headed?" hoseok asked. "you'll see."

time skip.

"pick out whatever clothes you want." yoongi said as they walked into a clothing store.

"okay, wait at the front. i'll surprise you." hoseok said, smiling. yoongi agreed and walked to the front of the store, waiting for a good twenty minutes.

finally, hoseok showed back up after checking out and changing. he had a white shirt with a little symbol colored rainbow, with ripped jeans and a blue beanie.

he handed yoongi a bag. "what's this?" "your clothes! i got them so we could match." yoongi laughed.

they found the bathroom for yoongi to change, and after he did, he had the same shirt and jeans, with cute little round glasses. they both wore high top converse. "alright, i'm taking you to lunch." yoongi said.

  they walked out and got into the car. yoongi drove him and hoseok to a restaurant and they ate happily.

afterwards, they walked outside on a sidewalk, nearing the beach. the clouds seemed like they were about to pour lots of rain on them. and they did.

the two were too far away from anything to protect themselves. yoongi tried to run, but hoseok stopped him. he turned around. "let's walk in the rain!" hoseok said happily. yoongi accepted and they walked side by side. yoongi took a quick glance at his wrist to see what else he needed to do.

that's when their hands brushed together. he took a deep breath and took hoseok's hand into his.

hoseok looked at yoongi, a bit confused, but he liked it.

he tightened the grasp. yoongi smiled and glanced at his wrist again.

eye contact. yoongi thought. he just looked joyfully at his boyfriend. "what?" hoseok giggled. admiration. "nothing, it's just your eyes are so gorgeous."

hoseok blushed and looked down. they walked in silence to the beach.

hoseok playfully whined as yoongi tried to tickle him. eventually they started jokingly wrestling and they laughed through every bit of it. suddenly, yoongi pulled hoseok and turned and so they fell onto the sand. yoongi looked up and apologized to hoseok, but...

hoseok started laughing. really hard.

it made yoongi laugh.

ahhh i'm so bad at writing days chapters
angst in the next chapter (not between yoonseok)

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