Chapter 2 - Forgiveness

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It was after the castle battle when Lefou realizes that Gaston had died. He was happy and sad at the same time. Happy because he finally would be able to be himself and he would have an opinion of his own and be able to willingly love who he wants.
Sad because he had lost his friend but it was because of Gaston's own foolish behaviour that he had gotten himself in trouble. He was a bloodthirsty monster who had too much pride. If he had left everyone alone he would have still been alive.

Looking as the objects transformed back to their human selves. They were all people Lefou thought, beast, he had to be human too right? Then it clicked, the beast was a cursed Prince. Prince Adam, he remembered. Oh my God, thought Lefou.Gaston may have been an army captain but Adam is the Prince of the province.

It was two weeks later that Lefou was called to the castle. He was nervous. He felt that he will be in a whole lot of trouble. He kept quiet for the whole ride . He then realised he wasn't the only one going to the castle. Jean the pot maker and Maurice, Belle's father was there as well. He thought it was time to apologise for past mistakes.

'' I'm sorry that I haven't done anything to stop Gaston from hurting you Maurice. " Lefou announced shakily.

'' You are forgiven, and by the way, not everyone can change a man's heart for the better. Yes, the Prince changed but that's because he believed that he could have been a better person with the help of belle of course. "

It was then that the men had arrived at the castle that they realized that they would have a new beginning.

'' Monsieurs , I am happy to announce on behalf of our Prince, that your services will be welcomed here, however the master would like to see you all personally, in his study. Welcome to your new home. " Lumiere said over the microphone.

Lefou, Jean and Maurice all entered the Prince's private study.

'' I hope that we can all put past mistakes behind us and work together . " He went from one person to the other formally shaking their hands.

'' Your Highness, if you don't mind me asking, what is this about? "Maurice asked.

'' Belle and I have been speaking and we thought that it would be best for you all to move into the castle here because, well for one Maurice and Jean have family here and Lefou ,I have other matters I need to speak to you about . The other reason is that your services will be needed here. "

'' Well thank you, Jean and I will take our leave, we'll let you three talk. " Maurice said as he was accompanied by Jean Potts and Lumiere. Lefou, however was left with Prince Adam and Belle.

'' So what did you want to talk to me about? " he asked casually as the couple looked at him with sad eyes .

'' Gaston " they both said in unison. Of course they wanted to talk to him about Gaston. He took a deep breath in then out.

'' Right, I should apologize for what he did because we all know that he is dead and won't apologize for himself even if he was still alive. I am also sorry for blindly following him and allowing him to cause harm to innocent people. I'm just glad he's in a place that he can't disturb us yet what he has done will torture us in our dreams but we just have to keep moving forward right? " Lefou finished and watched them with tearful eyes. He didn't think he could have said all of that but he did and he felt relieved that he did.

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