Chapter 14 - Midnight Snack

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Adam woke up with the sudden urge for a snack and it was almost morning. He picked up his candle from the night stand and carefully padded down the stairs and into the kitchen trying not to wake anyone up in the process.

There was a serving plate covered with blueberry muffins. He was about to pick one up when there was an interruption at the entrance of the kitchen.

"Ahem, what are you doing Adam?"

"Midnight snack "

"Really, you couldn't wait ?"

"My brain could've, stomach couldn't "

"Mind if I join you ?"

"As long as we keep this to ourselves "

The royal couple sat at the small table in the kitchen, eating muffins and chatting amongst themselves.

"Hello poppets, I see you're enjoying the muffins. I should probably get out the big ones. "

"There are bigger muffins ?"

"Yes, but if you eat those you would never go back to sleep. "

"Interesting "

"You do need your sleep ,tea? "

The three of them sat there in the quiet observing everything around them, eating muffins and drinking tea. Everything was peaceful until Lumiere arrived.

"Allo " he shouted

"Shhhhh " Belle shushes him as he joined them

"Don't want anyone waking up and catching us devouring a whole serving plate of muffins "

"Share and I'll keep quiet "

They pushed the plate towards him and he took two. It wasn't for him alone. Plumette comes to join them.

"Hello, my lovelies "


"Ouch, well I did threaten him for one "

Lefou then joins their little muffin party.

" You should eat the spinach pies next time, no one really wakes up in a rush for those. "

Adam growls softly, Belle chuckles, they both head back to their private quaters. Adam sneaks a couple of big muffins. He didn't care much if couldn't sleep afterwards, he needed the muffins more right now.

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