Chapter 18 - Chess

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Cogsworth and Lumiere were involved in a very intense chess game. Both of them were tied and each of them were just pieces away from winning. It was then that Cogsworth had moved his final piece, hoping he would win the game but Lumiere took his turn and he won. He gave his older English friend a mischievous grin and was off with his business.

"I guess you won fairly this time, but just remember that you can never out win an Englishman in a game of chess. "

"Oh well mon ami ,I guess that's what you tell yourself when you can't accept defeat. "

"How dare you accuse me of such thing, you're the one who goes around being dramatic as usual."

"Fine then find someone else to play chess with, see if I care "



Both men stormed away angrily, neither one makes contact with the other.

Cogsworth goes to the courtroom. Belle is there sketching something.

"Can you believe him? I can accept defeat. Insufferable Frenchman. "

"What are you talking about ?"

"Lumiere won in chess again and when I told him it's an Englishman's game, the man tells me that I can't accept defeat. Who does he think he is? "

Meanwhile Lumiere goes to his quarters. Lefou is scared because Lumiere is angry and when he's angry he burns things.

"You know, I am not the most dramatic person in the castle, he's just mad cause I won again, why can't he just accept that? "

"You guys were playing chess again, weren't you ?"


"And you won, did you call him out on it "

"Yes, I told him he can't accept defeat cause he keeps going off about chess being an Englishman's game and he told me I'm the one who goes around the castle being dramatic. "

Lefou takes in the information he is given and breathes in one sharp intake of air

"Maybe you guys should stop playing that game, it will eventually put your friendship to a permanent stop. Is that what you want ?"


"Then be an adult and go sought things out "

"Okay, but you don't think I'm dramatic do you? "


"I'm leaving "

Cogsworth is siting at a table, organizing his stamp collection when Lumiere comes into view.

"I'm sorry that I told that you can't accept defeat, that's not true anyways, you can actually accept it better than the rest of us can and I could be bit dramatic at times, I'll stop. "

"No, I'm sorry I called you dramatic, you won fairly and I wasn't accepting of that. Your dramatic behavior is what makes who you are and that's why everyone loves you. I shouldn't use it against you. Friends ?"

"Friends "

They gave each other a friendly hug

"Awe, guess I should put this away"
Belle says picking up the chess game.


"Get rid of that insufferable thing"

They all laughed. Cogsworth and Lumiere then went for a friendly stroll on the royal grounds

"I can't believe we allowed a chess game to nearly ruin our friendship "

"Me neither mon ami, me neither"

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