Chapter 13 - Rescue Mission

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Question :
What if the curse broke before Belle went to rescue her father?

Answer :
I imagine she'd have a lot of help.

After the dance that Belle and Beast shared, they expressed their feelings for each other. A whirl of gold dust took over the enchanted objects and they were back to their human selves and the beast had gone back to his Princely self. The enchantress had appeared.

"Agathe, what are doing here? " Belle asked the woman.

"I'm the enchantress who cursed Prince Adam and his staff, now I've seen enough to know that he is a better man now, for the sake of himself and the people around him. "

"Thank you "

"You are most welcome ,now I need you all to know that we are on a rescue mission ,Belle's father is in grave danger. I need you all to help out. I'll go distract Gaston, Belle and Adam would get Maurice out the carriage and the rest of you would stay close for back up. Agreed? "

"Yes m'am "

"Good, Cogsworth come with me, Chip stay with your mom, everyone else, go in teams. Chapeau I need you to stay here and prepare anything necessary for when we get back. Everyone ready? Good, let's go. "

At the village

"No one is going to save you Maurice, you're gonna go to the insane asylum and I'm going to marry Belle. Whether you like it or not. "

"You'll never marry my daughter, she's too good for you. "

"Yeah, who's gonna stop me? "

"We might " Belle and Adam said. There might have been a change in plans .

"Belle, who's this? Aren't we supposed to be together. "

"I'd rather be the Queen of this province than be your little trophy wife. I'd never marry you Gaston, you're a boorish, brainless brute who has too much pride and by the way, my father's not crazy, you are. "

"Well said "

"Thank you my love "

"You should let him go " Adam said with a furious growl. Maurice noticed the growl. It can't be.

"And who do you think you are ? No one tells Gaston what to do. "

"I am Adam. Prince Adam Louis-Alexandre De Courcy. Ring any bells in that brainless head of yours. ?

"I... I didn't know you ware still around. You taxed our villagers though, why should we listen to you ? "

"I'm a new man now, I am no longer a heartless, spoiled Prince ."

"He's right ", Agathe spoke .

"Well it is two against this whole tavern . "

"Actually, we have back up "

"Where ? "

As if on cue the rest of the staff came to back them up and the battle had started. It ended with a few injuries but all was good.

"It's over Gaston, you lost, now you are going to be locked up in my tower cell. You and your little friend."

Everyone went back to the castle. Lefou and Gaston were locked in the tower cell and Maurice had the opportunity to hear the whole story of how Belle and the Prince met. The enchantress was happy to be part of a small celebration and staff were happy that they were back to their usual selves again.

Gaston and Lefou sat in the cell figuring a way to break out.

"I bought you two some food "

"Why thank you, how bout you try to get us out of here ? "

"No "

"No one says no to Gaston "

"Sure right "

"I'll inform the Master you two are being troublesome "

"No no no no no "

Chapeau left them there and never went back .

"Let's see how smart they really are. "

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