Chapter 5 - Hiding From Her

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Henry Cogsworth was glad to be a man again. The only thing that came with being human again was Clothilde, his wife. It's not that he hated her. They just disagreed on a lot of things. He would have to hide in his quarters but she would find him there so he went to the library but Adam and Belle were there.

'' Carry on, don't mind me ", he told the royal couple.

'' Who are you hiding from? " Adam knew Cogsworth all too well.

'' Are hiding from Clothilde? " Belle asks the elderly man.

'' What, how dare you accuse me of such a childish act. I don't hide. I ignore."

He then went to hide in Lumiere's room. He would never hear the end of the man's rambling but Lumiere was his best friend and he trusted him

He knocked softly on the door
'' Enter '' he heard Lumiere say.
'' If you don't mind me hanging around here, wow, your room smells really good." He complimented the Frenchman hoping he could stay for the afternoon.

'' But of course mon ami and I know that you're hiding from Clothilde" Lumiere said with mischievous grin on his face.

'' Why you little rascal. Don't you have anything better to say to me? "

'' Your scared of her "
''No I'm not "
''Yes you are ''
"No "
"Yes "
"Fine, I'm afraid of her, call me a coward but you are supposed to help me not argue with me you French peabrain. "

After hearing their arguing, Mrs Potts got involved with their conversation.

" What are you two lumberjacks arguing about.

" He expects me to hide him from his wife. " Lumiere shouted

" Why you old puff, Clothilde left since this morning stop wasting your energy ".

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