Chapter 4 - Hide and Seek

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Chip loved to play. During the curse he was a teacup and he would have broken if he wasn't careful. Now that he's a boy again he was free to run and jump freely. He didn't have anyone his own age to play with, there were only adults in the castle and everyone was busy.

He went asking around if anyone would like to play with him cause no one seems busy today, it was a day off for the staff. Even King Adam and Queen Belle was lounging around.

'' Does anyone wanna play hide and seek, please? " chip asked politely.

'' Of course, mon ami , who's counting " Lumiere asked the young boy.

'' I'll count , didn't play hide and seek in long time and this castle's really huge. " Lefou started counting as every one else found their hiding places. '' Ready or not, here I come. "
He went about looking for the castle residents. He found Cogsworth and Maestro Cadenza behind the grand hapischord.
They found Adam and Belle in the library , Chapeau was hiding behind the post and Lumiere and Plumette was in the wine cellar. He found everyone else in the different parts of the kitchen and the East Wing of the castle.

The difficult part was to find Chip, they thought they had lost the young child for he was best at the game. He was nowhere to be found inside of the castle. Plumette then remembered that Chip loved hiding in the outdoors. They found him in Adam's mother's rose garden.

It was a long day of playing hide and seek,they all went back inside to eat sandwiches, cake and listen to their King and Queen read. It was the best day ever. For everyone, especially Chip.

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