Chapter 9 - Dogsitting

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Frou - Frou was a very happy dog owned by Maestro Cadenza and Madame De Garderobe. That was until he was cursed as a foot stool. Now he runs around and galivants all over the castle and comes back in with his fur all muddied up and he would have warm baths with his fur shampooed, conditioned and combed to perfection.

Unfortunately, it was Lefou's day to pamper the pup.

''Lefou, darling, would you mind taking care of mama's little baby?"

'' Sure ", he knew it was the dog that she was referring to.

However, Lefou felt as though he may need help but first he decided to pay Gaston a visit. He didn't think that the Army Captain would be working at the castle of the Prince whom he had tried to kill and now would have to guard the man's life without pay,and he thought that he was bad lucky.

''Hey Gaston "
''Don't even mention it "
''You're doing great buddy "
''Really ?"
''Did you punch anyone yet ?"
''No "
''Good, you're doing swell "
''Why are you here Lefou, aren't you supposed to be taking care of that mot ? "

Lefou covered the pup's ear so he wouldn't hear the hurtful words.

'' All have you know I chose to be here and I could choose to leave right now, which I should do because I have important matters to take care off. "

'' Fine, then leave, you sound like those castle people anyways. "

Lefou stormed away, he was trying not to tell Gaston more of how he really felt but he would have to save that for another day.

He then came across Mrs. Potts upon entering the kitchen. The housekeeper always knew what to say to make him feel better.

'' Why do I keep feeling sorry for him ? "

''Well he was your friend after all deary, maybe you should give your friendship a little rest, make him work for it if he really wants you to be his friend. "

''She's right, that man has admiration handed to him like a piece of cake, doesn't know what he has till he really looses it. " Chef Cuisinier spat.

''Now who wants some tarts, don't let it waste. "

Lefou took some tarts and head off to the room that he so happened to share with Lumiere. He became quite good friends with the maitre d of the castle.

''Hey, Lumiere whatcha doing ? "

''Planning tomorrow's menu, what you have there mon ami ? "

'' Some tarts , want one? "

'' Oui "

''Here, strangely Frou-Frou likes long walks to help him fall asleep. "

The dog slept comfortably in Lefou's arms it was a day well spent even if if he didn't do much. He got a long walk and a well deserved nap.

''You think that's strange, try having him chase you round the castle. He's not the only one who'll need a well deserved nap."

''Speaking from experience ? "

''Mmhm ''

''Good to know, feel sorry for you though. "

''Oh you don't need to be, that was my punishment for trying to take his ball. "

Lefou was glad he spent the day with Frou-Frou, it was a nice babysitting job. The tarts was a nice pay, for him.

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