Chapter 11 - A Switch

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Lumiere and Cogsworth were sitting in the servants' courtroom. Cogsworth was reading the newspaper and drinking tea while Lumiere was sipping on his wine while whistling a tune or two.

''You're not supposed to be consuming all that alcohol. " Cogsworth told Lumiere. He already couldn't take all that crazyman talk Lumiere gives him when he is hypered up and he would have to take care of him.

'' Why don't you worry about yourself? I'm fine."

''Yes, keep telling yourself that, just know who takes care of you when the crazy man takes over in you and when you fell down the stairs last time. "

'' I didn't fall down the stairs, I was sleep walking and couldn't see where I was going. "

''Deep breaths, Cogsworth deep breaths. You know what Lumiere you're a grown man, you can take care of yourself. "

He went to the library in search of help. Thankfully, Adam and Belle were there. They would know how to help him.

'' You need help? " Adam asked worried for the older man .

'' Yes, I have this friend who is a wine drinker. He drank two bottles of wine in one day, he's supposed to drink one bottle every other week, how would you deal with him cause I really care about him, he's like a brother to me? "

'' Who is it, is it someone in the castle? " Belle asked

'' Yes..... It's someone we all know.... someone who I'm quite close to. He says he could take care of himself. You ready for it..... It's Lumiere..... I don't know what to do with his wine drinking."

''Well you should ask someone to keep an eye on him. "

'' I'll do that "

He went to Lefou, he knew the village man was good at caring for others. He heard Cogsworth's story and agreed to care of his new French friend.

Lumiere was dozed off on the couch with a glass of wine in his hands.

Lefou took the glass and woke Lumiere up. There were dark circles around his eyes.

''Look, I know you're a grown man, but, you should not be consuming all this. It's bad for you physically and mentally. You're a good man and I don't want you to get hurt. So you should drink something else. Tea, juice, maybe some punch. Give the wine a rest ,okay ? "

''Alright, let's go get some juice. Do you think I could just have one last drink ? "

''No "

'' Fine "

''You should drink some water though, you look dehydrated. "

Cogsworth walked past them seeing that Lumiere was fine he walked away with a smile on his face.

''I knew you would stop "

"You asked him to take of me, didn't you? "

The three men spent the afternoon chatting, Lumiere fell asleep. He should really stop drinking all that wine, but it's so good ,his mind keeps telling him.

''He's really sleepy "

''He's an active man my boy, he's an active man. "

The next day Lumiere woke up bright and early, he decided to go for one small drink, it can't hurt him.

''What are looking for deary ? " Mrs. Potts asked

"Something to drink "

"In the wine cellar ?"

''What, I'm not in the wine cellar, I'm, the refrigerator.....looking for something cold. "

Mrs. Potts dragged him to the table to have a chat with him.

"You know we all care about you right? You are the only one who drinks that much wine. "

''Uhhhhh, I can't stop, there's nothing else to replace it. "

''How bout we make a deal ? If I can find something for you to drink other than wine, would you be willing to give it a rest? "

''OK, what you got ?"

''There's chocolate milk, now I know you may think this is for kids but it makes you feel just as good....without the crazy man behaviour of course. "

Lumiere drank the chocolate flavored milk Mrs. Potts gave him. He likes it thankfully. She gave him a mug of chocolate milk and a small glass.

He was glad that he had found something to replace the wine with something more worthwhile and they all thought he had a drinking problem .

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