Chapter 8 - He's Alive

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Turns out, Gaston wasn't really dead. He was buried beneath a bunch of rubbish near the castle. The last thing he remembered was trying to kill the beast and falling off the turret. He was lost and didn't know where Lefou was, the poor man could be dying without him. He had left Lefou under a majestic hapiscord. Was that castle haunted or something? Why would a beast be living in a castle. Then a glowing light filled up the area, it was the enchantress.

'' Hello Gaston, I'm Agathe. The enchantress who cursed Prince Adam and turned him to a beast and I'm here to put a curse on you as well. "

'' You can't curse me, I'm Gaston. For there's no man in town who's as manly, you can ask Lefou. He'll tell you who's the boss. "

Agathe looked at him in disgust.
'' Gaston, you have a whole year to earn a genuine friendship with someone or earn the forgiveness of those you have hurt. These prosposals are to be done sincerely and not out of obligation. You are being watched . " She said scornfully warning him.

Two months later Gaston decided to go into the castle. He knocks, Lefou opens the door.

''Gaston, you are alive, how? If Adam and Belle sees you here, they'll have you locked up and trust me, I ain't gonna stop them." He said said the last words with anger in his voice.
'' You left me under a hapicord and if it wasn't Maestro Cadenza I could have been badly injured or worst, killed but you don't care, all you care about is yourself. You wanted to marry someone who hated you just cause she was pretty but you know what Gaston, Belle or anyone else here doesn't want to have anything to do with you and neither do I. "

Gaston was stunned, he had hurt Lefou and a lot of other people and right now, no one was willing to forgive him at the moment. How is he supposed to be forgiven in a year and more importantly how is he going to get people who hate his guts to forgive him ?

'' I need to speak to Belle and Adam. "

" I'll inform the Master and Madame that the snake is here. " Chapeau spoke venemosly.

At the Study

Adam and Belle stared at Gaston coldly.

" Why should we help you. Don't you have someone to go hurt. "

'' Adam " Belle exclaimed
'' What, you want to forgive him so easily? he has to work for our forgiveness. "

Lumiere then came into the room upon seeing Gaston, he kneeled on the ground and started to pray.

'' What's he doing here, shouldn't he know...dead? "

'' OUCH " Lefou said

Gaston was usually the source of admiration and now his death is being wished on, which is the worst thing someone could face.

Belle then looked at Gaston, this man had repeatedly proposed to Belle no matter how many times she said no, threatened her father's life and almost had them carted off to an insane asylum to kill innocent people who haven't done him one thing. So why should they forgive him ?
She believes that good people do the right thing and not hold grudges against people no matter how awful they are.

'' We'll forgive him because that's what good people do but he needs to start putting other people's needs before his own and he could start by guarding the castle without pay. Yes we will be putting our lives in his hands but that'll help him use all that muscle for good and genuine purposes and hopefully he'll be more selfless. Agreed? " Everyone agrees to Belle's terms and conditions.

'' That's why you're the Queen aren't you ? " Adam asked Belle sweetly, then he turned to Gaston

'' You can start today, but if you try anything, there is a cell in the tower that needs to be occupied. I promise you that. "

'' And that's why you're the King."
Belle confirmed. Gaston was relieved but scared at the same time so he took a deep breath in and thanked them for their understanding. He would have to find somewhere to live though. As if he could have read his thoughts, Adam spoke

'' There is a cottage across the lake. You can use it if you like. "

''Thank you "
''You're welcome, now leave "

Gaston did as he was told for now he would have to start anew. Be a better person not because he had a lifespan but because he wanted to, for everyone's sake. Especially Lefou's.

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