Chapter 23 - Lumiere and Books

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Belle was persistent on trying to get Lumiere to read some of the poetry from the library. Adam and Plumette were amused at her persistency. She picked up a few poetry books that was written in both French and English and headed out to find Lumiere with Adam and Plumette in towe.

"We're telling you that this might be hard to accomplish "

"And I'm telling you that he's gonna read it. Yes, he likes playing out stories rather than the theoretical version of it, but maybe as he's older you don't think he might actually like to read a good book? I'm not going to force him , just going to get him into liking the idea of it. Stop being such negative nancies"

"Okay, I guess you know what you're doing but get your hopes too high and we're not being negative, we've tried the idea before and it didn't work. "

"Well alright then"

They arrived at the courtroom where Lumiere sat in front of the fireplace relaxing. Belle was anxious but confident that her plan could possibly work.

"Well good luck "

"Here I go"

She approached Lumiere with the books behind her back. Her plan was to ease the idea into a small conversation instead of shoving the idea down his throat.

"Hello Lumiere, I see you're enjoying the afternoon near the fireplace. "

"Oui, I was just thinking about new hobbies that I can indulge myself in. "

"How about reading?"

"Reading ?"

"You don't have to do a lot of it like Adam and I but you can try. Here I brought you some poetry novels. "

"Alright, I'll try to read "

He opened the book and started reading. He was enjoying the books.

"I like this one, do you have more?"

"Yes, would you like some more ?"


"Alright I'll get you some more"

"Merci madame "

"You're welcome "

Belle heads back to the direction of the library. Adam and Plumette sees her . She tries to play them into thinking her plan failed. She sighs loudly with her eyes filled with exhaustion.

"I guess you guys were right, Lumiere wasn't the right person to coax into reading. He said he prefers practical stories to theoretical stories. "

"Oh Belle, we're sorry. Tomorrow's a new day. You'll have another plan. "

"You're right, how about we go get a snack ?"

"Sounds like a plan "

On their way they saw Lumiere reading one of the books Belle had given him.

"I thought you said your plan didn't work. "

"Yes, but let's face it, I got him to read some books. "


"How did you two try to get him to read ?"

"We just told him he should start reading some books and it didn't work. What did you tell him "

"I had a conversation with him. He said that he wanted to try new things so I gave him the idea of reading and he welcomed it with opened arms "

"That's a relief, do you know you're a breath of fresh air ?"

"Yes and a genius at best "

They all chuckled at Belle's comment. She really was a genius

"So I deserve a nice snack, what's on the menu?"

"Chocolate muffins "

"Is that it?"

"Yes, what did you expect? A grand buffet of sweets "

"Maybe "

"How bout you tell Lumiere to put the book down and get us the best sweets France has to offer. "

"I would but he looks so calm "

"He sure does "

They all then went about their business for tomorrow would be another day of genius plans.

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