Chapter 21- Boat Race

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Before the curse Adam had a lot of friends from the royal court. Friends who went to the ravishing balls he threw and friends who entertained his lifestyle because he was a Prince. Though he still is a Prince, he questions himself. What is a friend? What do friends do? Belle always told him that she was there for him whenever he needs her but she's not his friend, she's his life partner and soon to be Queen. That he needed to go look for actual friends so that's what he did. He saw Cogsworth, Lumiere, Lefou and Stanley chatting about the most random topics and he wanted that for himself. However, the topic of the moment was about food, he likes food. He sits down and listens to their conversation.

"So you think fish broth is better than chicken soup? " Cogsworth asks Stanley

"I stand corrected by my claim, it's just as good, right Lumiere? "

"Mon amies, food is as special as anyone here and if you choose one from the the other it's like picking your favorite child. " Lumiere spoke

"You say that about everything " Stanley protests

"No I don't " Lumiere

"Yes you do " Cogsworth proclaims

"I'm just glad I can eat whatever I want while I'm here, people judge you for eating the wrong things at the wrong time . I lived a life where I had to eat eggs twenty four seven, three hundred and sixty five days a year. "

"That's a whole lot of eggs " Stanley said

"You could have used that to make a lot of things. You know, pastries, cakes, scrambled eggs. "

They all looked at Adam in shock. He probably shouldn't have said that.

"Then again what do I know about cooking? "

"Adam's right, you should've put those to good use but I guess that's what happens when you live with a muscle head like Gaston. "

"I guess, hey Adam did you need something, I hope I don't sound rude asking that "

"No, you didn't, I'm actually looking for some decent friends, like you guys. "

He hopes that it didn't sound desperate.

"Mon ami, we are your friends "

"Really ?"


"Okay, who wants to do something ....what's the word Belle uses....oh right -adventurous. "

Okay, what are we going to do ?

"We can go on a hike ,we can have a boat race..... um what else is there ? we can go camping ."

"Sure "

"Yes, great. Let's go "

"Wait. Now? "

"Yes now, but not everything. We all have to think of one thing to do. "

They all thought hard about today's fun activity. They all blurted out their answer at the same time. Fortunately, they all thought of the same thing.

"Boat race "

"Great let's go, we need to get life jackets. Does anyone know where we can get life jackets? "

"Mrs Potts "

They went to find Mrs Potts relaxing while she knits.

"They're in the attic "

"I'm not going in there . Don't look at me like that I'm allergic to dusts. "

"Well I'll go then"

"Good "

"As long as you're taking Chip with you. He doesn't care about the race ,he just needs the ride. "

"Okay then,, come on, come on. "

Lumiere then throws Chip over his shoulder and runs off to the lake.

"Okay, we need a fair judge for this contest ." Lefou said

"Okay, I'll judge the race " Belle said

"Belle, where did you come from?"

"I was walking all morning in the gardens when I saw you . You call this an adventure . It's just boat racing, looks fun though. "

"Okay, whoever reaches the end of the lake wins. "

"I know how a race works, no cheating "

"We're ready "

"Okay, ready, settty....... go"

The men raced with all their heart's desire. Adam almost fell off his boat trying to push with all his might. Lumiere, Stanley and Lefou were right behind him. Cogsworth was far behind everyone, he just wanted to ride, he didn't care much for the race.

Adam had won, however he was pushed into the lake by Belle and his friends. He had enjoyed being around these people. He's used to Lumiere and Cogsworth but in the past he only looked at them like servants especially in his tyrant days but now they were his friends. He walked into the castle drooping wet with a wide grin on his face. It was the best day ever. He couldn't wait for tomorrow.

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