Chapter 7 - Friends Forever

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Plumette was was glad that she was a woman again. She wouldn't have to worry about being a featherduster , at least she hoped not. She was also happy that she had befriended Belle. She was close to Mrs.Potts and Madame De Garderobe but they were like motherly figures to her. She had lost her parents to the plague. The same virus every Parisian feared. She and Belle had that one thing in common, the one reason they no longer lived in Paris, though Belle still had her father.

It was later in the afternoon that the two women had decided to have a chat.

'' So you never spoke to any of the other ladies in the village? " Plumette had asked Belle.

'' No, all the other women in the village mocked me for wanting more, for wanting to read, for wanting adventure. They even wrecked my laundry machine for teaching a girl to read. "

How cruel Plumette thought those village goons mocked Belle for being different. Now Belle was their new Queen but she would always be be Plumette's friend.

'' What about you, any maids around your own age mingled with you. "

'' Well not exactly the same age as me but there are a few maids who didn't try to take Lumiere from me. " Plumette said remembering Angelique and Veronique.

" Oh, sorry , is that why those maids give you those distasteful looks ? " Belle asked recalling the eye rolls and horrid facial expressions Plumette received from some of the maids, now she knew why.

'' Yes, but let's forget about them, let's see what our fellas are up to.
Turns out Adam and Lumiere had been hanging around each other as well. Plumette and Belle had decided to plan a sneak attack on them. They got the one thing they both hated, a spider. They used Chip's toy spider cause no one was actually going to fetch a real spider. They took the toy and threw it where both men could see the rubber spider.

The girls heard their names after screams of fear.

'' Belle "
'' Plumette "
Adam and Lumiere's voice boomed through the door. It was just a harmless prank. They laughed their heads off

'' WHAT IS THIS? " Adam spoke holding up the toy spider.

'' You know we're afraid of spiders. " Lumiere said trying to calm his breathing.

''Are you now ? "
''Well isn't that adorable, it's just a toy spider though , " both women spoke

"We hope you know what happens now " Adam said

'' What are you gonna do, chase us down. "
''To the mud puddle, hope you can run in heels. "
'' Are you insane ? these are new dresses . "

''Better start running "
''Or what ?"

Both men picked up their women and was ready to throw them in a mud puddle.

"Sorry, we're sorry " Belle said
''Alright let's put them down "
Belle and Plumette's feet finally touched the ground again. They weren't gonna be thrown into the puddle anyways.

''Scaredy cats "
''What's that ?"
''Nothing "

Then both women ran off laughing

''They're lucky we love them too much to not throw them in a pile of mud "

''Exactment "

Then both men went back to their conversation before they were so rudely disrupted by their loves.

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