Chapter 1: Fatherhood

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Michael's POV

"Action Michael" I heard my friend Quincy Jones say over the intercom. Right now we're in the middle of recording a song called We Are The World for Africa.
"Ok" I say as I put my headphones back on and start singing my part of the song.

"We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let's start giving."

"Alright that's good, you wanna call it a day or do you wanna start over from the top?" Quincy asks. "Let's just call it a day and bring everyone here tomorrow afternoon" I say. He nods and turns to talk to Lionel.

As I'm getting my stuff ready to leave my bodyguard Javon tapped me on my shoulder. "Michael you have someone who wants to speak to you." He says lowly. "Well who is it?" Raising my eyebrow as I turn and face him.

"It's Bernadette she's in the room next door." He says. Bernadette and I met while I had a trip to Hawaii last year. We had a little fling that lasted for about three weeks before we broke loose.

"What does she want?" I question. We haven't talked since I've went back home so it surprised me when he said that. I don't really like it when my affairs come into my work place, I'm trying to get stuff done.

"I don't know sir she won't tell me but she says it's important" Javon says. "Well did you tell her that I'm busy right now?" I ask I'm sure what she has to say can wait. "I did but she said it's really important" he says.

I sigh and put my stuff back down " can you bring this to the car and I'll be there in maybe 5" I tell him handing him my stuff. I walk out of the room and start heading toward the the Bernadette was in.

Something tells me that something is wrong. She wouldn't just fly all the way over here out the blue. I get to the room and take a deep breath before entering.

She instantly lifts up her head when she hears the door open. "Hey" I say unsure how to start the conversation. "Michael I have something to tell you" she says getting straight to the point.

"Ok what is it?" I push her on to continue. "Michael, you're gonna be a father, I'm pregnant" she says sniffing. "You're what?!" I ask her. "Pregnant Michael! I'm pregnant" she says.

"You're bluffing, you're bluffing" I say as I pace around the room

She hands me a dna test and a pregnancy test. And I just look at the paper over and over again hoping that it would change. After awhile I look back up at her shocked. "I can't have this baby Michael, I'm not ready to have one yet." She says sobbing.

"Well what are you gonna do?" I say.
I know I've always wanted a baby but I can't have one right now my schedules all over the place I don't think I have the time to take care of a baby. But I know what it feels like to get rejected and feel alone and I can't do that to a baby. I won't be able to live with myself if We got rid of the baby.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do I was thinking about aborting-", I cut her off "give the baby to me I'll take care of it" "Michael are you sure? I know that you're busy and I don't want this baby to be a burden to you and-"

I cut her off again "yes I'm sure if anything the baby is gonna be a burden on you. Besides I have the money to take care of this baby and you have dreams that you want to accomplish."

She hesitates for a minute before finally speaking "o-o-okay. Thank you so much you don't know how much this means to me." She says as she gets up and hugs me.

"You don't have to repay me in anything, in the mean time I can send you some money to help you" I say hugging her back tightly as she cries softly against my chest.

October 8, 1985

Michael's POV:

"Push you're almost there come on you can do it!" The doctor told Jaci while I'm holding Jaci's hand. Her face was as red as a tomato when she started pushing, squeezing my hand painfully tight.

"Ow shit!" I said snatching my hand away from her. This has been going on for 55 minuets and my hand felt like it was gonna explode. "Fuck you and your dick! You did this to me!" She cries out holding my hand tighter while pushing.

I know she doesn't mean that she's only saying that because she's in pain. After about 5 more minuets our baby was finally out. "It's a boy!" The doctor says cutting off the umbilical cord.

The other doctors came in to help clean him up while Bernie and I decide on what his name should be. "How about Ronald?" She asks. "No I don't like Ronald" I say chuckling. "Donald?" She asks again as the doctors hand her our unnamed son.

It gets quiet for a while before I finally think of the perfect name making me gasp. "What about Peter Gene Michael Joseph Jackson?" I say as he grabs my finger. He looks just like me and his mommy.

She nods her head agreeing with the name when the doctor came back with his birth certificate for us to sign. After doing all the paperwork and signing his birth certificate Peter Gene Michael Joseph Jackson was ready to come home with me.

"You can stay with me until you feel good enough to go back home" I assure her. "No it's ok I feel good enough to go back home, I don't want to get attached to him to the point where I can't go back home" she says still holding Peter.

"I understand" I say as she gives him one last kiss on his forehead before handing him to me. We get in the car and we make small talk as I drive her to her house. We say our farewells before I get back in the car to go back home in California.

I got on my private jet by dawn. The plane ride consisted of mostly Peter crying and me not knowing how to make him stop. Good thing the flight attendant stepped in and helped me. I never thought taking care of a baby was going to be hard.

We finally made it home just in time before mother and Joseph noticed that I'm not home yet. "Hello Michael, where to?" my driver asked opening the car door. "Hello, and to home please" I reply as I put Peter in the backseat.

We made it home in no time and the whole car ride I was thinking of the worst. How am I gonna tell Joseph and mother? What will they think of me? I know I'm supposed to have sex after marriage being the Jehovah Witness I am but I couldn't help my self!

"Here we go" I sigh as I put my house key in the door with hesitation.

What's up! This is my first book so it's gonna be trash but if you enjoyed this chapter make sure to vote and comment!

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