Chapter 3: Captain Eo

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December 20,1985

Michael's POV

I was laying at home on the couch with Peter on my stomach.
"You're a chunky little baby. You're like Bruno Sammartino" I say to him as he pats my stomach and I giggle.

"Dada" he says his first word and I smile.
"Hey you just said your first word" I say to him like he can understand me.
"Dada" he says again. Just as I was about to speak the house phone started to ring.
I pick Bruno up and head to the kitchen and answer the house phone.

"Hello this is Michael Jackson speaking"
"Hello Michael it's Michael Eisner the new Paramount CEO for Disney Studios. We wanted you to come up with a new ride for the parks. We don't  care what you do, as long as it's something creative." He says.
"Well what do you want me to do?" I say curiously.
"Well... what about a movie?" He says.
I think about for a minute before finally saying "sure I'll do it"
"Brilliant Michael just come down to the office tomorrow and we'll start working immediately." He says
"Alright see you tomorrow" I say before ending the call.
I look at Bruno and sees that he is asleep on my shoulder so I take him up stairs to my room and put him in his crib and kiss his forehead before turn the baby monitor on and heading back downstairs.

As I head back downstairs Janet comes in from the front door.
"Hey Mikey how's it going? Where's Peter?" She says
"It's going good and he's sleeping in his crib upstairs. Hey can you do me a favor and watch him tomorrow please?"
"That's gonna cost you Mr.Jackson" She says with one of her hands on her hips and the other hand out like she wants money.
I roll my eyes and dig in my back pocket and get wallet and give her 20 bucks.
She puts the money in her bra "pleasure doing business with you Mr.Jackson" and heads upstairs with a coke bottle.
I just roll my eyes and giggle and go upstairs to my room and fall on bed and fall asleep.


April 20,1986 at Disney Studios:

Michael's POV:

I love the movies and have since I was real little. For two hours you can be transported to another place. Films can take you anywhere.

We ended up coming with Captain EO, a big-budget 3D sci-fi short film. The ambitious, highly publicized mini-movie would play exclusively at Disney parks, and would serve as an announcement that the company was about to enter a new era.

The plot featured me as a space captain battling an evil queen, while surrounded by a crew of furry, goofy alien puppets and robots right out of the George Lucas interplanetary comic relief playbook.
Harrison Ellenshaw, who was in charge of creating many of the groundbreaking space backgrounds in the Star Wars films, was brought in to be the visual effects supervisor.

Pioneering new ideas is so exciting to me, and the movie industry seems to be suffering right now from a dearth of ideas. So many people are doing the same things. So many of them are doing the same old corny stuff. George Lucas and Steven Spielberg are the exceptions.

Now we were coming up with the name of the movie. At first we thought of Space Knights. As we were talking about the movie title Frank spoke up "hey what about Michael's character? His character doesn't even have a name." He said.

After awhile of thinking Francis said "what about Eos? "Eos" means "dawn and light" in Greek. And something like that would fit a character who comes to a dark, ugly planet ruled by an ugly evil queen, and change it all with song and dance and magical light beams that transform everything into great beauty" Francis explained.
"What about Eo for short? I butt in and they all nodded in agreement.
"Then it's settled. Captain Eo will be Michael's character name.

September 12,1986

Michael's POV:

After months of acting in the movie it was finally out.
Bruno started walking and I couldn't have been a happier man. I even took him out to see Captain Eo and he looked like he was enjoying seeing his father on screen.
Life is going so great for me minus the tabloids saying that I've had 100 plastic surgeries on my face or that I bleached my skin or all the other lies they try to tell people. What they don't know is that I have vitiligo and its something that I can't help. I've tried so hard to cover it up with make up but it just got worse and I've only had 3 surgeries two on my nose and one on my chin.

Bruno is the only thing that keeps me going I love him from the bottom of my heart and nothing will ever change that.
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