Chapter 4: whos bad?

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January 6, 1987

Michael's POV:

It's been 5 years since I've released Thriller and I need to get back in the studio.
I already wrote about 60 songs and I think they would be perfect for a new album.

I get up out of bed and take a quick shower as I'm brushing my teeth I get my keys and write 100 million. That's the goal for how records are gonna sell for the new album.

Once I'm done doing my hygiene I get Bruno ready and grab the house phone and call the nanny. After a while the door bell rang and it was the nanny.

"Thank you so much Sophie. You're welcome to anything in the kitchen." I say handing Bruno to her in the built home studio.
"My pleasure Mr.Jackson. Say bye bye to daddy Bruno." She says to him.
"Bye bye dada" he's says to me and I smile and kiss his forehead.

I grab the house phone and call my friends Matt Forger, John Barnes, and Bill Bottrell to work on ideas for this new album.

After about an hour 2 hours or so we recorded dozens of 48-track demos in a variety of styles. Eventually a bit of a rift developed between what became known as the B-Team working with me at my home studio. While we were working I called my friend Quincy Jones up to help me work on this album and he agreed and the team people that are working with Quincy at Westlake Studios are called the A-Team.

After a while it was time to pack up and everyone went home and it just me and Bruno.
"Hey little man are you hungry?" I ask him picking him up.
"Yes dada" he says and I smile.
I turn off all the lights and walk to the main house and put Bruno in his high chair in the kitchen and warm up some bite sized pieces of left over chicken and soft cooked vegetables.

When we're done eating I pick him up and give him a bath then putting him in his crib. Eventually he fell asleep then I went and did my hygiene stuff before going to bed.

June 10,1987 at Westlake Studios

Michael's POV:

Many of the songs the B-Team worked on were practically finished before we reached Westlake. I was able to take some finished demos into the 'real' studio with Quincy and that was my way of getting more say on how the songs produced. Recording finally began in earnest at brand new Studio D at Westlake, where I continued to work with many of the same key players from Off the Wall and Thriller.

Quincy and I disagreed on some things. There was a lot of tension because we felt we were competing with ourselves. It's very hard to create something when you feel like you're in competition with yourself.

Fifty percent of the battle is trying to figure out which songs to record which was the hardest, it's total instinct. You have to go with the songs that touch you, that get the goosebumps going. I wanted to release 33 of them as a triple album, until Quincy talked me down.

Once the songs were chosen for recording, the objective was creating sounds the ear hadn't heard. I don't want to duplicate Thriller, or other music on the radio, for that matter. I wanted to innovate sonically.

August 31, 1987

Michael's POV:

My album was finally out and I'm so excited! After all those long and tiring months of working long hours in the studio I can finally relax and have some quality time with my son.

Today we are gonna go to Disneyland. I have on a long sleeved pink shirt under a Mickey Mouse shirt with a pink bow tie and jeans. Bruno is also wearing a Mickey Mouse shirt and jeans.

We finally get there and I park the car and get Bruno out of the backseat. After getting in first went on the Disneyland Railroad. After a couple of rides Mickey and Minnie Mouse came over to us and I pick Bruno up.

"Hey little guy what's your name?" Mickey Mouse asked Bruno.
"Bruno" he says smiling and giggling and I giggle to.
"How old are you little fella?" Minnie asked him.
He holds up 1 finger. "His birthdays in 3 months" I say to Minnie Mouse.
"Well happy early birthday Bruno!" She says and Bruno smiles and leans his head on my shoulder.

After our conversation with Mickey and Minnie Mouse it was time to head home. Bruno was already asleep as I put him in his car seat. I got in the front seat and drove us home.
Once we got home I took Bruno out of his car seat and opened the front door closing it with my shoe then heading upstairs and gave Bruno a bath then I put him in his pjs then placing him in his crib and kissing his forehead then I went and did all my hygiene stuff before heading to bed.
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