Chapter 22: Trial After Trial

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January 16, 2004

Michael's POV:

Once again my reputation is being crumbled to pieces by the people who I thought were my friends. The Arvizo family has accused me of four counts molesting Gavin. The cops basically man handled me in front of my children, including Bruno.

I have a bruise on my arm from when they put the handcuffs on me too tight and back problems that happened due to the man handle. One time I asked if I could go to the bathroom and when I went in there was poop everywhere and everything.

After everything I've done for Gavin and his family, they falsely accuse me of molesting him. You don't know what it's like when the whole entire world thinks that you're a sexual predator to children.

The first day for court starts next year on January 31, 2005. 2005 will be my worst year ever with the longest trial in my life. I am never going to live in Neverland again, this was supposed to be a place where I can remake my childhood that I never had but now it's ruined.

After this trial I'm moving far away from the states, I don't know where but I'm going. I made sure to tell Bruno and my family about my plans. I thought that documentary was gonna help people understand me, but boy was I wrong.

Martin completely twisted my words around to make me look like a complete weirdo and I trusted him. Bruno and Chanel have been helping me get through this difficult time and I appreciate everything. Even Jermaine said that if I am found guilty, he would risk everything and secretly move me to somewhere where they can't find me.

Aside from the case I have a financial crisis which is not good when you have 4 kids to take care of. I haven't even paid my bodyguards in two years straight. The last thing I wanna is go on tour to get the money.

Right now I face an immediate cash crisis with a $70 million loan from the Bank of America that is due on Tuesday and I have no money to repay it. Not to mention that Eminem has made a music video mocking me and I haven't done anything to him.

In the video, Eminem appears, dressed as me, on a bed surrounded by young boys and singing: "Come here, little kiddie, on my lap. Guess who's back with a brand new rap?" "And I don't mean rap as in a new case of child molestation," Eminem adds. Which is completely disrespectful.

Even after I was proven innocent in the last case they still think I'm guilty. I have demanded that all US cable music video channels cease showing the disrespectful video for Just Lose It.

I've always admired Eminem and when I saw what he did in that video was pretty painful as an artist to another artist he should be ashamed of himself. Great artist don't have to do that to be great. I just hope I can get through this trial.

The next day

Bruno's POV:

I woke up early in the morning next to Chanel who was still sleeping in my arms. I carefully got up so I won't wake her up to go do my daily hygiene. After I did my hygiene I called my father to check up on him even though he's probably still sleeping.

As I suspected he didn't answer but I know he'll call me back later so I brushed it off. I went downstairs to go make some breakfast before heading off in my office to write a song for K'Naan. My own music career hasn't exactly been going how I thought it would.

As I'm making pancakes I felt someone snake their arms around my waist and kiss the back of my neck. "Good morning baby" Chanel says with the side of her cheek pressed against my back. "Good morning beautiful, how'd you sleep?" I ask her flipping the last pancake.

"I slept pretty good, do you have to work today?" She asks me. "Yeah but only for a little bit" I reply to her. "Well you better get to it" she says letting go of me, making herself a plate.

After breakfast just I expected dad called me back and I answered right away. "Good morning dad, how are you feeling?" I ask him, I know he's going through a tough time at the moment. "Not so good but I'm gonna get through it" he says. I hate when my dads depressed, sadly he's been depressed ever since the first trial.

We talk on the phone for a while before hanging up and going to work. Chanel already went to work down at the customer service center. I sit in my office back at home thinking of what the song should be about.

About 30 minuets later I was half way finishing the song when my phone began to ring. I looked at the caller id and to my surprise it's dad calling again, so of course, I answered it.

"Hi Bruno it's me Paris" she says taking me off guard. "Hey Paris what's up?" I ask her. "I was wondering if me and Prince can sleepover your house today since we finished school" she says. "You know it's alright with me, you can come over whenever you want" I tell her.

And with that she says ok and tells me they'll be here later in the day. By the time I finish writing for other artists it starts to get dark. By now Chanel's back home from work making dinner while I watch some sports games.

Just as she finishes up the doorbell rings and she goes and answer it. "Hi Chanel, how are you doing sweetheart?" I hear my dad say making me get up and go to the door. "I'm doing good Mr.Jackson" She says as I get close to the door.

"Hey dad" I say embracing him in a hug which he gladly accepted. "Hey son, how's adulthood treating you?" He asks. "It's been treating me pretty well" I say. Just then Prince and Paris come up with their overnight bags. We say our goodbyes to dad before going back inside and eating dinner.

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