Chapter 11: Honeymoon in vegas

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May 3, 1992 at Neverland Ranch

Michael's POV:

I was sitting in my office working on some new songs when suddenly the phone started ringing. "Hello this  is Michael Jackson speaking" I answered the phone still working.

"Hello Michael it's Andrew Bergman we're in the middle of making a new move called 'Honeymoon in Vegas' and at this one part of the movie there are Elvis impersonators and I was wondering if you would like Bruno to be one of the impersonators in the film, considering he is the youngest Elvis impersonator."

"Really?" I ask with concern. "Yeah, and he'll have own his spotlight" he continues. "Well I would love to have him in the film but it's not up to me, it's up to Bruno, but I'll ask him, just one moment" I tell him. "Alright, I'll be waiting here" he says before I put him on mute.

"Bruno!" I call out to him and a few minutes pass before he was standing at the office doorway. "Yes daddy?" He asks. "How would you like to be in a movie?" I ask him and his eyes widened making me smile. "Really? Because if so of course I want to be in a movie! I'll be just like you daddy" he says proudly.

"Ok I'll tell him right now" I tell Bruno as he sits on my lap. I take the phone off mute "Bruno's right here Andrew" I tell Andrew. "So Bruno, what's your answer?" He asks a smiling hard Bruno over the phone.

"I would love to be in your movie Mr.Andrew" Bruno says happily. "Brilliant the part of the movie you're gonna be doing is in Hawaii. You can come down on the 7th" he adds on. "Ok no problem see you then, bye bye" I say as hang up.

"Are you excited Bruno?" I ask him as he leans his head on me and yawns. "Yeah, I cant wait to be Elvis in a movie" he says tiredly. "See I told you it would pay off for all your hard work" and he smiles. "I can't wait for Chris' birthday tomorrow" he says while yawning again and I cover his mouth.

"I know you and him both are super excited" I say. He falls asleep in a few minutes later he falls asleep. After I finish my work I picked him up, turned off the lights and brought him to his room and tucked him in tight before going in my room and going to bed.

The next day

Michael's POV:

Today's Chris' 3 birthday! Ugh my baby boys are growing up and it's making me sad, I can no longer hold them like the little babies they were. I remember the first time I saw him at the hospital he looked just like me. In three years Bruno is going to be ten and I'm not prepared for that.

Anyways I woke up extra early to get his themed birthday party set up with all his favorite breakfast foods. This year he said he wanted to have a car themed birthday party so I asked my personal chef if he could make pasta later on for Chris' birthday dinner.

Once the breakfast food was ready I went in Chris' room to wake him up but to my surprise he was already up watching cartoons. "Happy birthday Chris!" I say picking him up and spinning him around and he laughs.

"Thank you daddy" he says as I place him up on my shoulders. "Are you hungry?" I ask him. "Yeah I'm starving" he says making me chuckle. "Alright go downstairs and wait for Bruno ok?" I tell him putting him back down. "Ok daddy" and with that he heads off downstairs.

I go in Brunos room and wake him up. Once he's up he sits up and rubs his eyes. "Good morning dad" he says in his sleepy voice. "Are you hungry?" I ask him as I sit next to him and he nods his head yes. "Well go freshen up and come downstairs" I tell him as I'm leaving his room.

We had a lovely breakfast and a good time riding rides and the animals. My whole family came even Joe came and I saw the change in him. I just wish he realized how he raised me and siblings was wrong sooner.

When you're having fun time goes by faster than usual. Now it's nighttime, the boys are getting ready bed and everybody went home.

Once each of them were in bed in their own room I kissed each of their foreheads before turning off their lights before going into my room and doing my midnight routine and going to bed.

May 7th, 1992 in Hawaii

Michael's POV:

Today Chris, Bruno and I are in Hawaii right now in our hotel suite getting ready to go on set. I got Bruno's hair just how he likes it, fluffy and curly.

Once I got his outfit ready it was time to go. It took us a little while to get there but the beautiful scenery paid up for it. I promised the boys we can stay a little while longer but then we have to go back home.

When we finally got there I let them pull Bruno aside to get him in his outfit then it was showtime. It only took Bruno for him to do his adorable Elvis impersonation. That's just how perfect he is.

When they called it a wrap, we headed back to the hotel room since the boys were pretty tired. Once we got to the hotel I picked up both of them in my arms, opened the hotel room door then changed them in their pjs and tucked them in bed before going to bed myself.

Wow you guys Bruno and Chris aregrowing up super fast! Anyways if you liked this chapter make sure you vote and comment!

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