Chapter 7: Brunos First Time On Stage

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August 11,1988 after the concert

Michael's POV:
The guys in the band said that gonna go to the club. I didn't want to but they kept on asking me to come since it'll be like a celebration of our job well done.
I was in my hotel room fixing my tie to my suit in the mirror.
"Looking good Michael" Karen said.
"Thank you very much. Can you watch Bruno while I'm gone? I promise I won't be a long." I ask her even though I didn't feel comfortable with leaving Bruno.
"Of course Michael anything for you. Now go have fun." She says as I'm walking to the door with Bruno.
"Bye daddy" he says as I head out. "Bye Bruno!" I say entering the elevator. Once I head downstairs I see the fellas and Sheryl surprisingly.
"There he his! I knew you would make it Mike!" Don says.
"Yeah yeah let's just get in the car" I say jokingly.
Before you know it we were at the packed club we went to the V.I.P section and immediately ordered drinks and appetizers. I ordered Moscato, which is my favorite wine.
After everyone ate it they all went to the dance floor. Now it was just me and Sheryl.
"Why aren't you dancing with the guys?" I asked her after awhile of awkward silence.
"I don't really like clubs, I only came because I haven't been out in a while" she says to me.
"I only came because they forced me to come out and have a good time" I say laughing and she laughs too.
"Well we might as well make the most of it" I say getting up and putting out my hand to her.
"Would you like to dance with me?" I ask her.
"It would be my pleasure" she says.
After awhile of dancing on the dance floor, she puts her back on me and her ass on my now hard member and she smirks like she can feel it.
"Am I turning you on Michael?" She whispers in my ear once she turns around now facing me.
"Hell yeah" I say before smirking "I think it's time we get out of here" I say and she smiles.
"Lead the way" she says and we make our way to the limo.
Once we were inside our hands were all over each other as we were making out. Before you know it we were in her hotel room. Before we even made it to the bedroom all our clothes were off on the floor before we stumbled on the bed. I turned us around so that I was on top. Without warning I slammed deep inside of her making her scream a high pitched scream. As I pump in and out of her fast she scratches my back screaming my name at the top of her lungs. "Fuck you're so tight and wet" I grunt as I kiss her neck. "Fuck you're so deep" she moans in my ear. After awhile I can feel my release coming. After a few more pumps she releases first and I released hard right after her deep inside of her.
I pulled out of her and plopped on the bed next to her as she snuggles into my arms before slowly drifting off to sleep with me right after her.
August 29,1988

Michael's POV:

It's officially my 30th birthday. Damn I'm getting old. I feel even older now that I've got a son, it makes me wonder how does he have so much energy.

"Daddy wake up!" I hear Bruno says jumping on hotel bed waking me up.
"Five more minutes" I say grabbing more covers only to be pulled down by Bruno and I groan.
"No! It's your birthday daddy you have to get up!" He says.
"Alright, Alright I'm up!" I say getting out of bed.

After I get out of bed I brush my teeth and wash my face as well as Bruno brushing his teeth and washing his right next to me.
I gave Bruno a bath first then I took a shower then got dressed. Once I finished getting dressed I walked out the room to see Bruno watching cartoons and playing with his action figure.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask him sitting next to him.
"Pancakes" He says still playing with his action figure.
"Well let's go downstairs and see what they have for breakfast. But first you have to clean up your mess" I say getting up.
"Ok daddy" he says.
As Bruno starts to clean up his mess I open the curtains to the window to see a bunch of fans below. I wave at them and they all scream my name making me giggle. I go in the hotel room to grab a pillow and a sharpie and write a message to my fans on the pillow.
"I love you soo much thanx for all your loyalty and support I will always adore you all love Michael Jackson. Remember to love the children."

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