Chapter 5: Tour Time!

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September 11,1987

Michael's POV:

My manager Frank DiLeo announced that I was going to have my first solo world tour to my fans back in June. Tomorrow's the first concert of the tour and I haven't even finished packing Bruno's stuff for the tour. I'm not ready for this 11 hour and 34 minuet flight.

After awhile I finished packing Brunos stuff and told my mother and Joseph goodbye and put all the luggage in the car and put Bruno in his car seat then got in the drivers seat and drove off to the airport to my private jet and taking off with my companion Bubbles.

September 12, 1987 Tokyo Japan

Michael's POV:

That plane ride was the longest and scariest of my life! After we got off the plane I was immediately rushed to the tour bus and to the hotel.
I only had a little time time to unpack and relax so I took a quick shower and gave Bruno a quick bath and headed to a Japanese restaurant called Shiosai with the band.

After we ate it was time for sound check back at the stadium. After sound check it was showtime! I gave Bruno a kiss on the forehead and handed him to my stylist Karen Faye before going out on stage to screaming fans. After I let him go he instantly started crying which made me feel bad I was about to hug him a little bit longer but I was told I had to go out on stage now. I quickly put my curly hair in a ponytail and headed out on stage.

Next thing you know the beat of my song 'Wanna be ' Startin' Somethin'' started playing and the lights on stage came on and I started singing.
Karen's POV:

"You see your daddy Bruno?" I asked Bruno and letting him Michael from backstage to try and get him to stop crying but failing horribly.
"I want my daddy" Bruno kept saying over and over again while crying and I sigh.
Luckily there were only about two songs left. I tried to rock him to try and even gave him his toy but nothing.

After awhile the last song finally ended and Michael came backstage making Bruno finally stop crying.
"How was he?" He says while I hand him to Michael.
"He wouldn't stop crying but only because he misses his daddy" I say giggling.
"Ugh he's such a daddy's boy" Michael said jokingly.
"Here let me take your makeup off" I say pulling the makeup chair out for him and he sits down.
"Ok thank you Karen" he says as I take his makeup off.
"So how's parenthood treating you?" I ask him.
"At first I thought it would be hard and that I wasn't ready but as more days go by I knew I was ready to take care of him. I mean I have the money."
"You do know that it's gonna get harder when he grows up right?"
"Maybe it will maybe it won't, but I'm prepared" he says and shrugs.
"Do you plan on having more children?" I ask him.
"Of course I want more children but not while I'm on tour" he says and I just nod my head ok.
"All done" I say after awhile when I finish.
He says his last thank you and goodbye and heads out to the tour and I finish packing up and head out to.
Michael's POV:

The first concert was crazy there was people fainting everywhere and people trying to get on stage.
I don't really like to tour I only do it only because I get to go to other countries. And this time I have my son with me and I can't wait to show him all the exciting things around the world.
"Daddy I tired" He says to me.
"Ok we're about to go to bed" I say to him as I'm getting off the elevator in the hotel and opening our hotel room.
I give Bruno a bath and put him in his crib and kiss his forehead.
"Good night Bruno" I say to him.
"Good night daddy" he says before drifting off to sleep with his teddy bear.
After he falls asleep I take a shower and change into my pjs before falling a sleep.
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