Chapter 9:Bruno's First Day At Pre-K

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Thursday, September 6, 1990

Michael's POV:

"I don't wanna go to school daddy! I wanna stay home with you and Chris!" Bruno said at the kitchen table eating breakfast.
He's 4 years old now he's old enough to go to school so I thought it would be good if he went to a real school instead of being homeschooled.

"Yes you do now hurry up and finished eating breakfast before you're late." I said getting his lunch box from the top of the fridge and getting a sharpie to write his name on it and he sighs.

He finishes his breakfast and puts his bowl in the sink, then he went to the front door to put his shoes on and grab his book bag.

"Can you help me tie my shoes please" He says to me after he got his shoes on.
I bent down to tie his shoes then we were out the door and in the car.
"Buckle up" I say to him and he does and we're off to his school.

At Little Town Preschool

Bruno's POV:

I can't believe daddy is making me go to school, I rather be homeschooled like I was before. After he dropped me off in the classroom I tried to follow him to the car but that didn't work out too well.

"Good morning class my name is Mr.Bishop and I am going to be your teacher for this years school year" he says smiling. I can already tell this is going to be a long year.

"Everyone will have assigned cubbies over there, each cubby has your name on top of it to tell you which one is yours" he says pointing to the cubbies, "once you're done putting your stuff in your cubbies come and sit in a circle in on the rug in the middle of the room" once he finished talking everybody including me starts to walk over to where the cubbies are at and start put their stuff in their cubbies.

I have a little difficult time reaching the hook so the teacher comes and helps me. After I'm done putting my back pack and lunch box up I go sit in the circle Indian style.

"Alright, now that everyone is done and is sitting in the circle, lets start by introducing ourselves" Mr.Bishop says and everyone says their names then it gets to my turn.

"Um my name is Peter but my nickname is Bruno" I say and everyone says "hi Bruno". After everyone says their name Mr.Bishop says "ok everyone now it's time to go sit at the tables and I will hand out your first day of school papers that you'll be doing" and I sigh.

He goes and gets the papers and everyone starts talking except me. "What's your name again?" A kid next to me asks. He has really curly hair like mine and he wears red glasses.

"Bruno" I say to him. "Nice to meet you Bruno! My name is Arthur" he says with his hand out like he wants me to shake it and I did. "You wanna be friends?" He says. "Sure" I say to him.

Mr.Bishop finally gets to our table and hands everyone at my table our papers. As I'm doing mine Arthur asks me "what's your daddy and mommy's name? My dads name is Justin and my moms name is Stacy". "Well my daddy's name is Michael, I don't really know my moms name" I say to him.

"How can you not know your moms name? You see here everyday!" Arthur tells me. "I've never met my mom before all I know is my daddy." I say shrugging my shoulders and I raise my hand.

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