Chapter 13: Marriage

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At Neverland Ranch,1994

Michael's POV:

It's been awhile since the trial happened, but the tabloids are still having a field day with it calling me a molester and all that other crap even though I was found not guilty.

After that terrible time in my life I've met up with my old friend Lisa Marie Presley. We met back when I was a teenager performing with my brothers. Then after we met we just started talking all night long whenever we had the chance.

Sometimes she would come over and hang out. The boys seem to like her which is a plus if I ever decided to marry her. After talking for a couple of months I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes which made me very happy. The next step was her moving in with me.The boys even call her mom and that makes me happy seeing how well they bond with her.

After stretching in my bed I looked over to my side to see Lisa but she's not there. I just brushed it off and continued to do my morning routine. After getting dressed I headed downstairs and there she is making breakfast.

I kissed her on the cheek before putting my arms around her waist. "Good morning babe" I say resting my head in the crock of her neck. "Good morning baby, are the boys up?"  She asks me. "I don't know I didn't check" I reply to her placing soft gentle kisses on her neck. "Well when you do can you tell them that breakfast is almost ready" she says putting the last pancake on the plate before setting the table as I let go of her.

"Sure babe" I say before heading back upstairs. I go in Brunos room and he's up watching cartoons with Chris. "Good morning boys"I say to them as I sit next to them. "Morning dad" Bruno said. "Good morning daddy, is breakfast ready?" Chris said.

"Yep and it's downstairs, but first did you do your hygiene?" I ask them and they both say yes. We all head downstairs to go eat breakfast and talk about what we're gonna do today, which was ride the rides and feed the animals.

I don't let them ride the rides whenever they want because I want them to be humble and not spoiled brats. Anyways after breakfast I let the kids go swimming and what not.

"Dad come get in the pool!" Bruno says playing with Chris in the pool. After awhile of contemplating if I should get in or not because of my vitiligo with the sun I just couldn't wait any longer. I took off my shirt and jumped in the pool making a big splash and the boys scream.

"Let's play Marco Polo!" Chris says swimming away from me. "Ok but dad you're it!" Bruno says. Even though it was completely unfair how he chose me to be the chaser but I went with it anyways.

It got dark after long games in the pool, so I told the boys to go get in the shower and get ready for school tomorrow. I already took my shower, did my hygiene and put my pjs on. I checked on the boys one last time before turning off their lights and getting in the bed with Lisa and going to sleep.

A couple months later

Michael's POV:

Me and Lisa have been dating for awhile and I think I'm finally ready to take the next step in our relationship. She was still at work right now so I took that time to make the entire ranch look all romantic and what not. I took a quick shower and put on a fancy suit before grabbing the small little box that has the wedding ring in it.

Just as the door was about to open I quickly got on one knee and opened the box. Once she stepped in the room she gasped and dropped her purse.

"Michael..." she said just a little above a whisper. "Lisa these past couple of months with you has taught me how to be happy with you. You taught me to love again after having my heart shattered. You make me the happiest man on earth when I'm with you, so would you please do me a favor and marry me?" I say with a big smile.

"Yes, yes a thousand times yes!" She says hugging me tight. She puts both of her hands on each side of my cheek and kissed me a thousand times before I picked her up and brought her to the bedroom where we made endless love throughout the night.

After love making for the 5th time we were cuddling when I knew that I wanted to have kids again. "Hey Lisa?" I say after a moment of silence. "Yes Michael?" She replies with her face in my chest. "Do you think we're ready for kids?" I ask her.

"Well yeah but maybe after the wedding" she says back. "You promise?" I ask her hoping she will say yes. "Yes Michael I promise" she says with a yawn. "So no round 6?" I ask jokingly and she gently pushes me away. "No I'm to tired baby" she says sleepily.

"Well alright lets go to sleep" I say yawning, turning on my back before falling asleep within minutes.

Wedding day May 26, 1994

Michael's POV:

"You look so handsome Michael" my mother said with tearful eyes as I'm buttoning up my jacket in the mirror. "Thank you mother" I say smiling at her in the mirror. "My boys just grow up so fast, I still see you as a little kid running around the house" she says before blowing her nose in some tissue.

"Mother there's nothing to be sad about" I say hugging her careful not to mess up my suit."I know, I know" she says wiping her eyes and I smile widely. "Michael it's time" my brother says and I take a deep breath before heading out and he pats me on the shoulder.

I couldn't stop smiling as I saw my beautiful wife walking down the isle. Finally after all these years I was finally getting married to someone who I love very deeply, with my entire heart. I couldn't be happier man.

"God you look so beautiful" I whisper to her making her smile and blush. "Thank you Michael" she whispers back. We stand and look at each other before saying our 'I do's' and kissing each other to seal the deal.

We walked down the aisle hand in hand while the flower boy aka Chris spread flowers across the aisle in front of us. I looked over at Bruno who sitting next to Lisa's kids Benjamin and Danielle and he seems to be upset. I don't know why but I'll ask him later.

After finishing walking down the aisle we went in the car to head off on our honeymoon without the kids. I asked my sister Janet if she could watch them while we're gone and she said yes.

This is the start of a new beginning and I was ready for the good times and the bad times.

Hey guys so so so sorry for the late chapter I was really busy today! If you liked this chapter make sure to vote and comment! Really the voting and feedback really helps!

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