Chapter 16: Daddy's Princess

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April 3, 1998

Michael's POV:

Debbie announced that she was pregnant with my 4th child back in November last year. The baby was to be a girl and she was going to be named Paris, after the French city in which where she was conceived at.

Today adorable blue-eyed Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson was born. Her middle names come from me and mother. I hope she doesn't mind living with a bunch of gross boys.

I was so anxious following the birth of my first daughter, that I "snatched" her and ran straight home with all the placenta and everything all over her. Gross I know but I was just so excited to finally a baby girl.

Once I got I made sure the nurses cleaned her up and they froze the placenta. The boys reaction when I brought Paris home was hilarious, they all had grossed out faces when they saw the placenta.

When the nurses got Paris situated I showed her to the brothers properly their faces changed from 'ew' to 'aww'.  "She's so cute, just like me" Bruno stated cockily making me roll my eyes.

"Can I hold her?" Chris asks. "Of course you can, here hold her like this" I put her in his arms after I showed him how to hold her properly and not dropping her. I watch as he slowly rocks her side to side.

After everyone got to hold her and introduced themselves to her, I took her upstairs to nursery room where she would be sharing it with Prince, who was still sleeping being that it was 7:20 am. Oh crap! The boys are gonna be late for school!

"Get ready for school boys!" I say  rushing downstairs to get their lunch packed. After everyone gets ready we all rush to the car and we are off. 20 minuets later we are at their school, I quickly check the time and it's 7:40 am, just in time. With that I sigh of relief.

I give the boys hugs and kisses on the cheek before letting them go. "Bye dad!" They both say before they go their separate ways. I smile and wave goodbye to them before I remembered it picture day. I groan in frustration as the boys aren't wearing anything nice on this special day before pulling off to go back home.

I finally get home 20 minuets later exhausted from staying up all night with Debbie at the hospital. Once I check and feed Prince and Paris I go in my room and call Dr.Conrad Murray so he can give me a dose of propofol to help me sleep.

"Hello? This is Dr.Conrad Murray speaking" he says through the line when he finally picks up. "Hello Conrad can you please my milk?" I ask pleadingly. "Alright Michael I'll be there in about an hour or so" he says. "Ok just tell me when you get here" I tell him before hanging up. After our phone call I watched some tv before he got here an hour later.

At school

Bruno's POV:

After getting out of the car I walked chris to his building where all elementary kids go and as usual I reminded him to remember to bring his homework home with him, a simple task which he forgets sometimes.

After that I made my way to my building to be greeted by my friends Kevin and Arthur like every other day. "Hey guys" I say greet them back and we do our handshake we randomly made up last week.

"Dude you're really wearing that for picture day?" Arthur says with a disgust look on his face. "What's wrong with what I got on?" I ask him.

Today I have on a red orange sweater with camo pants and some grey shoes. He shakes his head and says "nothing, I guess" I just shrug him off. 

We head our separate ways when the first period bell and I go to math which is my worst subject but Chanel's in it so it makes up for it. I walk in and I instantly sit next Chanel and she smiles. "Hey Chanel" I say smiling right back at her.

"Hey Bruno, are you gonna actually pay attention this time and not fall asleep?" She asks jokingly as the teacher finally comes in. "Well I guess we're gonna have to see" I tell her as he starts the boring some lesson.

When that class was over I walked Chanel to class and I ended up getting a kiss on the cheek for which I freaked out about in my head before heading off to my own class which is social studies.

In that class we are currently learning about Christianity which dad somewhat is. In this class I have some new friends whose names are Amanda, Chase and Dwight.

We all sit next to each other and I mess with Amanda just to annoy her. The teacher finally comes in and tells us to settle down so he can get started on the lesson as usual.

Finally when the bell rings it was time for pictures. I always I look forward for this day because you get to dress up all fancy. Well I'll admit today I'm not looking my best but it'll do I guess.I finally get to the gym where they're taking the pictures.

The only part I don't like on picture day is when the photographers tell you to tilt your head "just a little more" even though my head is damn near touching my shoulder. Anyways it gets to my turn and of course just like I said he says "tilt your head just a little more to the right". Surprisingly it only took one time. After my picture was done I went to my 3rd period class to finish the rest of the day.


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Chris' school picture

Bruno's school picture___________________________________

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Bruno's school picture

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