Chapter 19: 30th Anniversary Celebration

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September 7, 2001

Michael's POV:

Today is a very important day, why you may ask? Because today is my thirtieth year as a solo entertainer. All that hard work and hard times really  paid off, I owe it all to my father even though he has made some mistakes on the way he has trained me to be the man that I am today.

Anyways there will be two concerts held in New York City's Madison Square Garden that will be televised on the channel CBS. There will be performances by Marc Anthony, Jill St. John, Reggie Miller, Ann Miller, Whitney Houston, Jay-Z, Britney Spears, Naomi Campbell, Luther Vandross, Monica, Janet Leigh, Liza Minnelli, Elizabeth Taylor, Macaulay Culkin, Usher and many more.

I will also be performing with my brothers for the first time since the victory tour. I will be watching everyone perform at a stage side box with my dearest friend Elizabeth, my children and McCauley Culkin. Chris was ecstatic for the show when I told him that his favorite singer Usher was going to be there.

Right now we're about to head out to the concert area. "Ok kids it's time to go!" I said grabbing the house keys off the hotel table, walking to the door. Prince and Paris come running from the bedroom and of course I had to remind them about running.

"What did I say about running?" I ask them once they came up to me. "Sorry daddy" they both say in unison. "Chris, Bruno! Come on we're going to be late!" I yell as my bodyguards bring Prince and Paris to the car.

They finally come 5 minuets later just as I was about to leave them in the hotel by themselves. "What took you guys so long?" I ask them turning off the lights and closing the door afterwards. "I was asking Bruno if I should go with a tie or a bow tie and in what color" Chris says and I shake my head.

"I tried to tell him that it doesn't matter" Bruno says getting in the car and I sigh. "You were supposed to do this yesterday Christopher" I say to him. "Well I did but then I thought it didn't look good so I asked Bruno for help" he says.

We finally get to the concert area and we meet up with Elizabeth. The drugs I took earlier start kicking in as I start to feel tired and weak. The kids go sit at the table while Elizabeth and I go talk to interviewers.

After talking with the interviewers the first show was about to begin so me and Elizabeth went to our seats in the box. "Ugh I can't wait to see Usher, he's gonna be so awesome! Can I meet him dad?" Chris says excitedly and I chuckle. "Of course you can meet him chris" I say and he fanboys all over again.

"Forget Usher, I can't wait to see Beyoncé" Bruno says. "Yeah, yeah we know Beyoncé is your celebrity crush" Chris says jokingly. Chris and Bruno talk while I talk to Elizabeth and McCauley then getting up to go to my dressing room.

When I get in my dressing room and close the door the first thing I do is reach in my pocket and get my Demerol tablets out of my pocket and take it swallowing it down with some water. After I take it I instantly begin to feel drowsy so I sit down not knowing that I'll fall asleep right after.

Back at the box

Bruno's POV:

The show was supposed to start an hour ago but because dads not here it's not starting until then. I hope he's alright I've seen doctors come and go back at home in his room with the door locked. I know I might sound a little dramatic but I'm just worried about dad, I don't know what I'll do if something happens to him or if he gets hurt in anyway.

"Where's dad? The show is supposed to start" Chris says to me. "He's in his dressing room like he said he'll be out in a few, don't worry the shows gonna start just be patient" I tell him. "But how soon?" He presses on. "Soon, man, soon!" I tell him so he can be quiet.

"Bruno, I gotta go potty" Prince says and I sigh. "Alright come on" I tell him. Before I leave I make sure to tell Elizabeth where I'm taking Prince the we go to the restroom.

I fix my hair and tie in the mirror as he uses the restroom before he comes back out of the stall. "Can you help me wash my hands please?" He asks me. I pick him up and put soap on my hands as I help him wash his hands.

We leave out of the restroom and head back to our seats. When we get closer to the box I get relieved as I see dad sitting at his seat. I go sit in my spot and Prince sits in his and the show finally starts.

The show was so awesome! The concert started with a performance of dads song ''Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' '' performed by  Whitney Houston, Usher and Mya. Then came Marlon Brando, seated in an armchair speaking about children who were blind, fatally ill, starving and murdered.

''Sick children,'' he said. ''That's what this evening is all about.'' He announced that dad would be donating money for an international children's hospital in Florida, which I think is pretty cool.

Monica, Deborah Cox, Al Jarreau and Jill Scott had roles in a medley from the movie that dad starred in ''The Wiz.'' Rah Digga put a slight change into ''Heal the World.'' Ray Charles and Cassandra Wilson did their thing while the crew moved equipment then came Destiny's Child and Shaggy performing their own songs.

Even Liza Minnelli was there to give dad a diva tributel, she beautifully sang a few lines from ''Over the Rainbow.'' When she was done she said, ''I love you, Michael, I love you.'' And in return dad blew a kiss, sat back down and pulled his lapels together.

Perhaps the tributes tired dad, because his voice was all shaky and faltered repeatedly during his 20-minute reunion with my uncles. They sang material from back when they were a group and  striking a heroic group pose. Uncle Jermaine's outfit was pretty cool and so was dads especially with the silvery reflectors down both of his shins.

The show was ending with as dad sang his new released single 'You Rock My World' for his album that's coming out next month. And speaking of next month guess who's 16th birthday is next month? This guy! Time has really flown by the last thing I remember is doing my first Elvis impersonation.

I better make the most of my last teenage years before I became an adult. Because I am not ready for that just yet.

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