Chapter 14: HIStory

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September 7,1996

Michael's POV:

The time has come again for me to go on tour. After my HIStory album dropped I had to promote it with a world tour to up the sales. I told the kids to be on their best behavior with Lisa and her kids.

Bruno was pretty bummed out that I wasn't gonna be able to be there for his 11th birthday though but I told him I'll make it up to him when I get back. In no time I was at the airport boarding my private jet.

I have exactly a 12 hour and 25 minuet flight so I decided to watch a movie. I was offered some breakfast which I gladly took because I was starving.  After I ate I made sure to have one last bathroom break before we took off.

The other band members don't ride the private jet with me instead they fly a normal plane but they do have high class hotel rooms. After doing everything I got a blanket and took some snacks out to watch the movie 'Space Jam' which was Chris and I's favorite movie at the moment.

Before I left the house I told Lisa to give me updates on how my kids are doing at school and what their grades are. I miss my little trouble makers already. It wasn't before long when we started to take off.

Halfway into the movie I took a quick nap before waking up again not too long after. I've been having this difficulty with sleeping ever since the trial so my manager hired a doctor for me to help me with my sleeping problem. His name is doctor Conrad Murray.

He has been helping me get the sleep I need so I will have energy for this tour and rehearsals which I've been lacking on since I've gotten older. He will also be accompanying me on this tour to give me the help I need.

He also comes to my house and helps me whenever Lisa isn't there or when the kids are sleeping. He gives me a little dose of propofol every night. I trust him with my entire life because I know he's only helping me the best he can.

Back at home

Bruno's POV:

Dad left for tour a month before my birthday, now I have to celebrate it with Lisa and her mean kids. Lisa I don't mind but it's her kids that I don't like, they talk bad about dad and says he's weird when he's not.

Now I'm stuck here with them, I wish I could've gone with dad but he gave me the stupid excuse he did last time. It was now morning time so I woke up and stretched and went to go brush my teeth and take a shower then I got dressed then woke my little brother up.

He's now going to school, my school actually so I'm responsible for getting him ready in the morning while Lisa cooks breakfast. "Chris get up" I say shaking him so he'll get up.

"Ugh I don't wanna go to school" he says. "Well you have to so get up and go get ready before I go tell Lisa" and with that being said he gets right up and does his morning routine.

I put my shoes on and backpack on then headed downstairs to be greeted by Lisa and her kids. "Good morning Bruno, I made some pancakes but you have to hurry up and eat them so you won't be late" she tells me handing me a plate. "Thanks" I say dryly.

Finally Chris comes down and it's time to go to school. The car ride was pretty quiet but that's only because I miss dad. After she dropped us off I walked Chris to his classroom.

"Make sure you bring your homework and folder home this time" I reminded him. "Yeah yeah" he says. "I'm serious Chris" I say giving him a straight face to prove that I'm serious. "Ok ok I'll bring my folder home" he says. I give him a quick hug before walking over to my building and being greeted with my friends.

"What's up fellas?" I say walking up to them. " hey B" Kevin says. "Hi Bruno" Arthur says. "Are you ready to go to class?" Kevin asks biting into his apple. "Not really but come on" I say shrugging my shoulders.

Right now I'm in the 6th grade and Chris is in the 2nd grade. I still have the same pre k friends and I don't mind it. I don't have trouble making friends I'm kinda popular but not really. And it has nothing to do with my father and that's a good thing.

Dad wants us to go to the same school so I'll be able to look after him which is good I guess. I'm also the class clown at school so that means I get in trouble a lot. But I just like to make people laugh I don't see what's the big deal.

Once I walk into my classroom I immediately look for my crush. Her names Chanel and she's so beautiful and perfect in every way. I haven't told anybody about my crush not even dad and honestly I don't plan on telling. I finally spot her and sit next to her and we start talking right away before our teacher starts with the lesson of the day.

After school

Chris' POV:

It was finally after school time so I told all my friends bye and waited at the spot Bruno tells me to at the front of the school.

I hate waiting for Bruno because he always takes a long time coming he's always walking with some girl after school and he forgets all about me.

I get bored of waiting for him so I start singing my favorite songs off of the radio. I love singing it's my favorite thing to do when I get older I want to be a famous singer just like daddy.

Usually when I sing girls always hover over me and ask me to sing for them. I love all the attention especially from the girls it makes me feel like I'm doing it right.

I also love to dance so I do a little step or two I learned from watching dad when he rehearse his dances and the ladies all gush over me.

Bruno finally comes over from walking his lady friend to her car and wait for auntie Janet to come pick us up. "Finally you came what took you so long?" I say sitting back down.

"Shut up I wasn't even taking long" he says rolling his eyes "whatever you were probably making out with your girlfriend" I say and he punches my arm. "Ow what was that for?" I say grabbing my arm. "That was for being annoying and she's not my girlfriend she's my friend" he says.

Just as I was about to say something auntie Janet's car pulled up and we get in. This is the perfect time to get him in trouble I think in my head. "How was your day boys?" She asks us.

"Good" Bruno says. "It was good until Bruno punched me in the arm" I say. "Well why would he do that?" She asks. "Well I don't know but it wasn't nice" I say and he rolls his eyes.

"That's right it's not nice Bruno apologize right now" she says. He rolls his eyes "sorry for punching your precious shoulder Christopher" he says sarcastically, I just brush it off and looked out the window.

We finally get home and we get inside. I watched some tv and bothered Bruno on purpose for the rest of the day and we had dinner before Lisa came and picked us up and brought us home where I did my night time routine before going to bed exhausted.

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