Chapter 18: World Music Awards

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Monte Carlo, Monaco 2000

Michael's POV:

I just got off the plane entering Monte Carlo for the world music awards to accept the Pop Male Artist of the Millennium award. I also brought my children with me after they begged to come with me and as you can see I gave in.

Once we got in the car I put on my 3T hat and we're heading off to our hotel suite. I love this place so we're leaving on 11th instead of right after the awards. We finally get to our hotel room and everyone is so exhausted that they instantly got in the bed and fell asleep instead of unpacking first or having dinner.

While the kids are sleeping I decided to watch some tv before taking a shower. After I took a shower I headed out to go to a restaurant even though it's 10pm I'm still pretty hungry. I ended up eating at the Blue Bay restaurant before heading back my hotel suite through the side entrance.

Once I got inside I brushed my teeth and washed my face before changing into my pjs and going to sleep. I wake up early in the morning to the sun shining in my eyes. I groan and get out of bed before taking a shower and doing my hygiene.

I change into some clothes that I'm gonna wear for the day and head out to the living room to see Prince and Paris watching tv."Good morning daddy" Paris says getting up and hugging me. "Good morning princess, where are your other brothers?" I ask her. 

"They're still sleeping, what's for breakfast?" She replies and asks me."I don't know what do you want?" I ask her. "Cereal"  she says and smiles. I nod my head 'ok' and ask my bodyguard if he could go get some breakfast from downstairs for the kids which he does.

We go back to the living room and sit on the couch with Paris on my lap."What cartoon are you watching Prince?" I ask him. "Rugrats" he ways with his eyes still on tv.

We quietly watch the cartoon when Bruno walks in with his hair everywhere and rubbing his eyes in a sleepy way."Well good morning sleepyhead" I say to him smiling. "Good morning dad" he says in a groggy voice.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask him as he hugs me. "Pretty good I guess" he says sitting down. "Is Chris still sleeping?" I ask him and he shakes his head yes. "If he doesn't wake up in ten minutes then you're gonna have to wake him up for me ok?" I tell him and he shakes his head yes again along with yawning.

My bodyguard comes back with breakfast a few minutes later and we all dig in at the table making sure to leave some for Chris. Speaking of him he just walked in now with just sweats on. "Good morning" he says, wide awake.

"Good morning Christopher" I say getting up to hug him which he accepted. "There's breakfast on the table, and when you're done get dressed we're gonna have a meet and greet with fans" I say going back into the other bedroom to change as I hear him say 'ok'.

Bruno's POV:

I had the weirdest dream ever with Chanel, so weird that when I woke up there was a mess in my pants if you catch my drift. I just took a shower to clean up the mess before heading out for breakfast. These dreams have been going on for a while now and I'm sick of it.

Anyways dad said that we're gonna meet some fans here in our hotel room. So I put on a white long sleeve shirt that says 'rugrats' on it with some black pants with chucks on and some cologne. After I finished getting dressed I headed out back into the living room with my little brother and sister waiting on Chris and dad.

They come out a few moments later, chris wearing a baby blue short sleeved shirt with grey sweats and white Air Force shoes and dad wearing a simple black suit and tie. "Is everyone ready?" He asks us and we all nod our heads yes.

"Alright, remember to be on your best behavior and to smile and no horse playing " he says to us as he tells his bodyguard to let some fans in.They all freak out I don't know why, we're all normal people I don't see the big deal.

I was standing awkwardly as fans gush over my dad when out of no where Chris punched me playfully on my side, obviously not hearing what dad said about being on our best behavior and no horseplay. I hit him back not trying to make it obvious so I won't get in trouble.

We keep hitting each other until a fan finally comes to me. "Omg I can't believe I'm standing in front of Bruno Jackson, can I have a hug?" she says with tears in her eyes. "Sure I guess" I smile and hug her back awkwardly.

I look over at chris and he's just as confused as I am. It goes on like that for about an hour or so before dad wraps it up. I kinda got used to girls gushing over me after ten of them came over and talked to me and my siblings.

After the meet and greet dad said he had to go to an award show so he left when he was in the clear, leaving me in charge. I grabbed my guitar and started playing I'm actually getting good at this for being self taught. "Oh can I play?" Prince asks me.

I already know how it's gonna go if I give him my guitar so straight away I said "no". "Please Bruno" he begs me. "No means no Prince"  I tell him sternly. He pouts in an instant but it doesn't fade me I just keep strumming away.

"Butthead" he calls me under his breath. I ignore him not feeding into his negativity and turn on the tv to see dad on it accepting his award. One day I wanna be just like my dad, winning awards and everything.

I know I can do it if I put my mind to it. I don't know how long it will take but I'm willing to work hard to keep the Jackson legacy and life still alive. I'm proud to be a Jackson I've got talent running through my blood I just gotta work hard if I wanna make it big.

Hey guys so for the late chapter but if you liked this chapter make sure to vote and comment!

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