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Unknown P.O.V:

Draping on my leather jacket, I followed the path I had monotonously learned over time, being aware of my surroundings as to not draw any attention from the peaceful night.

My senses heightened as I followed the narrow path that led into the forest. The horrendous birds sang their toon, while the nocturnal creatures lurked in the shadows waiting, hoping, and protecting what was theirs.

I breathed in a sigh of relief once I was able to hear my steps echo through the the now desolate forest. The creatures dared not to lurk in these parts for the evil that ever so claimed it. I for one was thrilled by the silence.

My paces slowed and I grinned as I reached the back of the line. I inspected each and every being standing before me.

"Sir, everything is set and ready to go."

I looked up, bright red soulless eyes stared back at me.

"Did you do a head count?" I spoke back fiercely.

"Yes sir, five times."

I nodded, walking over to the front of the line. All the young worthless faces stared back at me, lost and emotionless.

"Oh and sir..."

I looked up, frustrated at being interrupted. "What? I don't have all night."

Its captivating eyes stared back at me in regret.

"Boss is here. He wants to make sure that the...change per say, goes right."

My eyes widened. "Fuck."

I breathed in, aware that whatever I said would be heard by the indestructible lord.

Red eyes ignored my comment and swiftly opened the heavy metal door placed as if it were leading nowhere. Heat washed out, slapping me right in the face.

I followed in behind all of the subjects, but stopped before the entrance. Turning around, I looked out towards the small light far in the distance for a moment, contemplating.

I shook my head and grabbed my face in my hands.

Walking on in, I realized how long of a night I was going to have.


Hey peeps!!🐣
For those of you who don't know, originally it was in my main characters P.O.V, but I changed it cause I didn't like it. Hope this one is better, and lastly I hope that you stick around because if you've gotten at least this far, I know you are a true one.

Much luv!!!😘

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