❣21_Chuckles Through the Worry❣

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  “Well that’s just some screwed up shit right there.” I brush my hair with my fingers in frustration. I look to Jenny as I dangle my feet from the desk I’m sitting on. According to Jenny this room is for class sessions like normal teens when they go to school, except here they teach you about rivals and allies.

“What am I supposed to do, that guy has all the power.”

“Tell me about it. I’ve been at this facility for years and yet not once would I think Mr. Carlyle would do something like that.” I jump down from my seat. “Well I don’t know, but we have to do something.” She nods, handing me a piece of paper. “Don’t worry about it and don’t tell anyone, We still don’t have any idea who’s working with him. I will help. I didn’t really like him anyways.” I chuckle through the worry, making my way out the door. Waving my hand in a motion of a bye. I slip back into the party room acting as if I were there all along. Slipping the paper in my pocket for later. I jump as an arm snakes around my back and a warm breath tickles my ear. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you gone. It’s my job. But since we are in the facility I’ll let it slide.” He lets go of me and takes a sip of his drink. Great the big bad wolf noticed. I don’t even try to persuade him that I’m innocent.

We hang out with everyone for a while, till Marcus checks his watch for the time. I yawn taking out my phone. Midnight, Fudge!. Time flies by fast! Marcus gets up and I follow. Saying bye to the ones we can,  before we slip out and make our way to the car. I rush grabbing Marcus’s keys from his hand and going into the divers side. I put the keys in the ignition and look up to see Marcus still in the same spot where I stole his keys. I open the passenger window.  “I am so not letting you drive.” I tie my seatbelt. “I’m not asking you. I am driving because you need sleep. I slept on the way over, now it’s your turn.” He crosses his arms like a little stubborn kid. “No.” I turn on the car. Putting my hands on the wheel. “Either you get in or I’m leaving your ass here.” He grunts. “Fine, fine. But I will ONLY sleep for two hours, after that you better wake me up.” I nod, making my way out on the road. I love night time drives. Silent and Peaceful.


I grab a water from the back, taking a long sip, while my other hand holds the wheel. Yes I know it’s dangerous but there is literally no one on the roads and if I were to swerve, I wouldn’t hit a damn thing, but kill a shit load of grass with the tires. My eyes swiftly drift to the clock on the car. 4:05am. A lot of time had gone by. Marcus had fallen asleep like 5 minutes after I started driving. I had made sure he was actually asleep, before deciding to stay in town for a few minutes to get a cup of tea and snacks for my long trip. I was most definitely not going to wake Marcus up.

I will always keep promises, but sometimes it’s good to break them.

I drive in peace. Occasionally taking peeks at Marcus, who looked so peaceful. I knew once he woke, he wouldn’t look like that. He had to be on guard twenty four seven. It was hard enough for me, but for him I felt it was worse.

I look into the distance. The old man. He was out. What the heck! At freaken four in the morning. I mean the sun was rising pretty early, but still, it was too early to be out watering grass. I suddenly see a dirt trail leading very close to where the man is. I make up my mind, taking a sharp swerve to the left and onto the trail. I think Marcus hits his head on the window because I hear a bang. Woops. “Woah!” He sits up, his eyes wide open. I stop the car as we stand a few feet away from the man. He stares at us. I look over at Marcus, making sure he’s fine before getting off the truck.

“What are you young folks doing on the road?” I look over to see Marcus by my side. “Isn’t it pretty obvious. Chanel come on, lets go.” I stay grounded to the ground. I am most definitely not going anywhere. I stare at the man. His old features becoming brighter, as he wears clothes similar to the one’s I saw him wear last time. “Is there somewhere we can sit and talk?” He studies me for a moment, before pointing to the left with a nod of his head. I look over and see a small house in the distance. It’s closer to town, so that’s good.

I get into the car as Marcus follows. “Why didn’t you wake me?” I turn on the car as the man walks along. I stop next to him. “Need a lift?” I smile as he gets in behind me. We make it to the house in seconds. The man gets off before us. As I go to open the door Marcus grabs my hand. “I sure hope you know what your doing.” I smile. “Don’t worry. I got this.” He sighs as we get off.

The house is tiny and old, but it has a homey type of feeling. We step in and sit down at the table. The man turns on the stove, putting a pot of water on it. Me and Marcus stare at each other in silence. “Coffee?” We turn to see him walk over with two mugs. I watch as the steam of them rises. “No thanks.” I reply, Marcus saying the total opposite. He blows the steam towards me. I stare at him with an are you serious look, while I support my head with my hands, making me look even more dumb. The man sits and I sit up straighter. I extend my hand. “Hello, my name is Chanel and this is Marcus.” He stares at my hand for a moment before excepting it. “It’s a pleasure. I’m Texas.”

My stupid side comes out. “Like the state?” He smiles. “Sure.” He takes a long sip of his drink. “So, what did you want to talk to me about?” He sets down his cup. “How come you live so far out and why keep the grass alive?” He takes a longer sip this time. Setting it down, he stares at me with no emotion. I’m about to ask again, but he gets up and starts to walk away. Well now I know that I definitely hit a soft spot.

“Why would a watcher such as yourself have anything to hide?” My comment stops him in his tracks, but he doesn’t turn around. “I found it very particular when I came in to see cat hair everywhere, with a bed to the side and yet not once since I’ve been here seen one.” I sense Marcus’s gaze, but don’t turn towards him. Texas turns around. He stares into my soul. “You are one smart cookie.”

“Well you kind of gave it away when you looked down at my neck.” I pause holding the diamonds. “Humans can’t sense it.” He cracks a smile. “I have my reasons as to why I do things. I’m not going to let the queen change my mind.”

My smile falls as I remember why I’m here. “I shouldn’t be telling you this, but seeing as how you’re always out there, well…” He looks at me with wide eyes. “Well what!?” I look at my hands. “Our battle is being fought here, next week.” I look up to see him running his hands through his hair. He meets my eyes. “I need to be alone.” I nod turning to Marcus. I look back to Texas who’s giving Marcus death glares.

I ignore it, making my way out, Marcus in the lead. As I’m about to step out the door, he grabs me gently by the arm. I turn to see many emotions going through his eyes. As if a battle is going on in his head he comments, “Stay safe and don’t trust nobody.” His eyes skim Marcus as he says it, but it’s fast so I’m left wondering if it’s real or not. I sigh, making my way back to the truck. Can’t wait to be home.


🌟Hola Peeps!🌟

🤔Questions: 🤔
1) What do you think of Texas? Trust him or don't?
2) What do You think of there trip to corp?

I most definitely cannot answer the question. It is up to my mind to decide.

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