❣25_"Now for the Challenging Part❣

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Wednesday Afternoon

“Here take this.” Jenny hands me an earpiece. “I will be speaking to you through it.” I stop in my tracks. “Wait, what? I thought you were going with me.” She sits down on the toilet top. “I can’t. You know we have to have someone watching from outside.” I sigh, Of course.

She takes that as a conformation. “Okay so Carlyle has a meeting in about five minutes. I will be watching him.” She takes out her computer, showing me a surveillance of his office and a meeting room. “How did you-?”

“I decided to put up my own cameras.” My eyes widen with amusement. “Don’t worry they were small tiny cameras that nobody saw me put on.” She pauses, looking down. “It was midnight.”

“Well that’s smart, but did you forget they also have cameras?” She grabs her bag. “Nope.” What does that even mean!?

“Because.” She pauses pulling something out of her bag. “I have this.” I see now that it’s a black control the size of a nail. It has nothing but one big button at the center. “To press this means a total glitch for all camera systems.”

“So your telling me your going to crash the surveillance, but how did you get that?”

“Pft, from Tony.” My eyes widen. “You mean you took that while I was looking for the file.”

“Not really, it was in his pocket with the key.” I laugh. What idiot would do such a thing.

“ANYWAYS, Back to the point. Listen to me carefully, you will only have twenty minutes from the time I hit the button. In that time they will be going crazy trying to fix it. You have to go in his office and find the safe. Got it?” I nod intaking all the information she gave me.

“Alright lets do this.”


My white heels clicked on the floor as I act as casual as ever. I was glad for the extra clothes Jenny had. It was necessary in this non-existent color place.

I look around briefly before speaking. “I’m going in.” I open the door as casual and as fast as I can. “Isn’t it sad that they don’t even tell the main boss about what is going on because they’re scared of him.” I look around the empty room. It was a typical white office. The place looked like it wasn’t even used. “Hello, I’m trying to focus here.” I hear a groan on the other side before she agrees, going back to being a silent ghost.

Where the hell do I even start? I pick the obvious part of the room, the desk. All the drawers have nothing but information that isn’t related to what I’m looking for. “Ten minutes.” Ugh! I stand in frustration. Come on think! I make my way over to a cabinet by the wall. This time I search fast. Seeing which ones it could be and which are locked and could possibly fit the key. Nothing. I spring myself up fast, hitting myself on a picture of nothing but nature that is hanging on the wall. I rub my head. Damn picture! I hit it and it swings back and forth. I suddenly see the unexpected. Something black behind it. Using all my force I lower the heavy picture, settling it on the ground. A safe. “Great you found it, now hurry up before they fix it!” I slip the key in turning it as fast as I can. I carefully grab the only white file in there.

“Shit girl, hurry they are getting it fixed faster then I thought.” I slip an empty folder in and Close it, make sure I leave everything as it was before. “Okay they have the left side up and running so you have to make your way to the right, take the elevator. I’ll meet you outside when It’s safe.” I look around. Everything seems normal except for a few guards looking and eyeing everyone. I try my best to act normal, head held high. Come on Chanel, only a few feet away. I press the button for the elevator. I look to the left, but see that is a mistake, when a guard looks me in the eye. He starts making his way over here. Come on elevator! I smile as he approaches me. “Hello sir, may I help you with anything. I seem to notice you……off.” He looks at me serious. Ahh shit. “May I see your pass ma’am.” I cross my arms. “Pass?” Oh shit he must be talking about the pass that I always see people wearing. “Sorry I’m just visiting.”

“Ma’am I can’t let you go if you don’t have a pass.” I stare at him like what the hell do you expect me to do. I jump as the elevator doors clicks open. The same man from before stands holding the door for me. I believe he told me his name was Terry. “Hello Miss. Chase. Leaving so soon?” I smile. “Unfortunately yes, but you see here, this man won’t let me go.” He looks to the man staring me down. “She’s not authorized.” His deep voice cutting into my confidence. I cross my arms in an attempt to look mad and keep up the file, afraid it’s going to fall. “They never gave you a pass?” I shrug.  “Sorry sir I will help her get a pass.” Terry says, letting me go in. The big man grabs my arm. “Hey!” He is damn well strong. “I said no.”

Terry stands there very confident facing a man that can crush him in an instant. “Do you really want to harm the one who is trying to save us.” Great we’re bringing that up again. Its like don’t they seem to realize that I’m what is making hell want to attack in the first place. “What?” The Man lets go of me. “You mean she’s the chosen one?” Terry nods, as I just stare back at the man who was grabbing on to me a second ago. He composes himself. “I am sorry your majesty.” I nod, while inside I’m like what the heck, I’m not royal.

The big man leaves and Terry closes the doors. “Thank you.” He nods with a twinkle in his eye.

I compose myself as I walk out leaving the damn place. I get in my car driving to the nearest coffee shop.

Well I’m just glad that, that is done. Now to see what really lies behind those papers.

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